To Kira Svincitska

"If I were a real poet I would be able to prevent war":

A note made by an unknown on the eve of WWII,

quoted by Elias Canetti

in the speech "Poet’s Profession”

delivered in Munich in 1976


I’m looking for signs of the end of the war

In the eyes of a girl who is only ten days old

But she does remember everything. And this is to be continued

As she is looking for her mom’s breasts too stubbornly

And hides the look which carries the knowledge of the world

And about whether there’s going to be any respite.

Then I look for whether there’ll be an end to the war

In the eyes of a guy whom the led had avoided

But he remembers everybody who, on the battlefield,

Plowed the hard soil with themselves.

He casts his look aside for there’s disbelief in gods

And his non-forgiveness for enemies.

This is why I am looking for that there’ll be an end to the war

Just inside, deep, here, in myself.

And I find out that despite pain I am still alive

And have peace and quiet that can work miracles

And I have what can stop this turn of events

Where, hiding behind the war, death is walking around.

4 January 2014
