And with a sad inscription, in tears, he also honored there his father's and mother's patriarchal dust. 4 Alas! Upon life's furrows, in a brief harvest, generations by Providence's secret will rise, ripen, and must fall5 8 others in their tracks follow… Thus our giddy race waxes, stirs, seethes, and tombward crowds its ancestors. 12 Our time likewise will come, will come, and one fine day our grandsons out of the world will crowd us too.


Meanwhile enjoy your fill of it -of this lightsome life, friends!

Its insignificance I realize 4 and little am attached to it5 to phantoms I have closed my eyelids 5 but distant hopes sometimes disturb my heart: 8 without an imperceptible trace, I'd be sorry to leave the world. I live, I write not for the sake of praise 5 but my sad lot, meseems, 12 I would desire to glorify, so that a single sound at least might, like a faithful friend, remind one about

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