Eugene Onegin and a virtuous mother.

Another!… No, to nobody on earth 52 would I have given my heart away! That has been destined in a higher council, that is the will of heaven: I am thine; my entire life has been the gage 56 of a sure tryst with you; I know that you are sent to me by God, you are my guardian to the tomb…

You had appeared to me in dreams, 4 ? unseen, you were already dear to me, your wondrous glance would trouble me, your voice resounded in my soul long since… No, it was not a dream! 4 4 Scarce had you entered, instantly I knew you, I felt all faint, I felt aflame, and in my thoughts I uttered: It is he! Is it not true that it was you I heard: 4 8 you in the stillness spoke to me when I would help the poor or assuage with a prayer the anguish of my agitated soul? 5 2 And even at this very moment was it not you, dear vision, that slipped through the transparent darkness and gently bent close to my bed head? 5 6 Was it not you that with delight and love did whisper words of hope to me?
