Whoever, ? my reader, you be-friend, foe-I wish to part with you at present as a pal. 4 Farewell. Whatever in these careless strophes you might have looked for as you followed metumultuous recollections, relief from labors, 8 live images or witticisms, or faults of grammarGod grant that in this book, for recreation, for dreaming, for the heart, 12 for jousts in journals, you find at least a crumb. Upon which, let us part, farewell!
You, too, farewell, my strange traveling comand you, my true ideal, [panion, and you, my live and constant, 4 though small, work. I have known with you all that a poet covets: obliviousness of life in the world's tempests, the sweet discourse of friends. 8 Rushed by have many, many days since young Tatiana, and with her Onegin, in a blurry dream appeared to me for the first time- 12 and the far stretch of a free novel I through a magic crystal still did not make out clearly. ,18