Eugene Onegin [XXVIII] And does that sum up the enchantments there? And what about the explorative lorgnette? And the assignments in the wings? 4 The prima donna? The ballet? And the loge where, in beauty shining, a trader's young wife, vain and languorous, 8 is by a crowd of thralls surrounded? She lists and does not list the cavatina, the entreaties, the banter blent half wise with flattery, 12 while in a corner naps behind her her husbandj wakes up to cry "Fuora!"; yawns, and snores again. [xxix] There thunders the finale. The house empties $ with noise the outfall hastes $ the crowd onto the square 4 runs by the gleam of lamps and stars. The sons of fortunate Ausonia hum a playful tune involuntarily retained- 8 while we roar the recitative. But it is late. Sleeps quietly Odessa$ and breathless and warm is the mute night. The moon has risen, 12 a veil, diaphanously light, enfolds the sky. All's silent5 only the Black Sea sounds.