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Chapter Three

Who are you? My guardian angel or a perfidious tempter? 6 ? Resolve my doubts. Perhaps, 'tis nonsense all, an inexperienced souVs delusion, and there's something quite different… [destined 6 4 But so be it! My fate henceforth I place into your hands, before you I shed tears, for your defense I plead. 6 8 Imagine: I am here alone, none understands me, my reason sinks, and, silent, I must perish. 72 I wait for you: revive my hearts hopes with a single look or interrupt the heavy dream with a rebuke-alas, deserved! 76 / close. I dread to read this over. ?? faint with shame and fear… But to me your honor is a pledge, and boldly I entrust myself to it.
