But he was wrong: at that time Eugene was sleeping like the dead.
The shadows of the night now wane, 4 and Vesper by the cock is greeted $ Onegin soundly sleeps away. By now the sun rides high, and shifting flurries 8 sparkle and spin 5 but still his bed Onegin has not left, still slumber hovers over him.
Now he awakes at last 12 and draws apart the curtain's flaps5 looks-and sees that already it is long since time to drive off. xxv Quickly he rings-and his French valet, Guillot, comes running in, offers him dressing gown and slippers, 4 and hands him linen. Onegin hastes to dress, orders his valet to get ready to drive together with him and to take 8 along with him also the combat case. The racing sleigh is ready; in he gets 5 flies to the mill. Apace they come.
He bids his valet carry after him 12 Lepage's39 fell tubes and has the horses moved away into a field toward two oaklings.