– Why so unfavorably then do you report on him?

Because we indefatigably 4 fuss, judge of everything? Because of fiery souls the rashness to smug nonentity is either insulting or absurd? 8 Because, by liking room, wit cramps? Because too often conversations we're glad to take for deeds, because stupidity is volatile and wicked? 12 Because to grave men grave are trifles, and mediocrity alone is to our measure and not odd?


Eugene Onegin x Blest who was youthful in his youth 5 blest who matured at the right time5 who, with the years, the chill of life 4 was gradually able to withstand5 who never was addicted to strange dreams; who did not shun the fashionable rabble; who was at twenty fop or dasher, 8 and then at thirty, profitably married; who rid himself at fifty of private and of other debts 5 who gained repute, money, and rank 12 calmly in turn j about whom lifelong one kept saying: N. N. is an excellent man.
