
Fragments of Onegiri}s Journey [xxn] But where, pray, was my rambling tale? "In dusty Odessa," I had said. I might have said "in muddy 4 Odessa" – and indeed would not have lied there For five-six weeks a year [either. Odessa, by the will of stormy Zeus, is flooded, is stopped up, 8 is in thick mud immersed. Some two feet deep all houses are embedded. Only on stilts does a pedestrian dare ford the street. Chariots and people i 2 sink in, get stuck $ and hitched to droshkies the ox, horns bent, replaces the debile steed. [???] But the sledge-hammer breaks up stones already, and with a ringing pavement soon the salvaged city will be covered 4 as with an armor of forged steel. However, in this moist Odessa there is another grave deficiency, of-what would you think? Water. 8 Grievous exertions are required… So what? This is not a great sorrow! Particularly since wine is imported free of duty. i 2 But then the Southern sun, but then the sea… What more, friends, could you want? Blest climes!
