Fragments of Onegiri's Journey [xxvi] But we, fellows without a sorrow, among the careful merchants, expected only oysters 4 from Tsargrad's shores. What news of oysters? They have come.? glee! Off flies gluttonous juventy to swallow from their sea shells 8 the plump, live cloisterers, slightly asperged with lemon. Noise, arguments 5 light wine onto the table from the cellars 12 by complaisant Automne* is brought. The hours fly by, and the grim bill meantime invisibly augments. [XXVII] But the blue evening grows already darker. Time to the opera we sped: there 'tis the ravishing Rossini, 4 darling of Europe, Orpheus. To severe criticism not harking, he is ever selfsame, ever new; he pours out melodies, they effervesce, 8 they flow, they burn like youthful kisses, all in mollitude, in flames of love, like the stream and the golden spurtles of Ay 12 starting to fizz; but, gentlemen, is it permitted to compare do-re-mi-sol to wine? * Well-known restaurateur in Odessa [Pushkin's footnote].
