Fragments of Onegin's Journey [XIV] Onegin, nursing bitter meditations, among their sorry tribe, with a gaze of regret 4 looks at the smoking streams and muses, bedimmed with rue: Why in the breast am I not wounded by a bullet?

Why am I not a feeble oldster 8 like that poor farmer-general? Why like a councilman from Tula am I not lying paralyzed?

Why in the shoulder do I not 12 at least feel rheumatism? Ah, Lord, I'm young, life is robust in me, what have I to expect? Ennui, ennui!… Onegin then visits the Tauris [Crimea]: [XV] 9 land sacred unto the imagination: there with Orestes argued Pylades; there Mithridates stabbed himself; 12 there sang inspired Mickiewicz and in the midst of coastal cliffs recalled his Lithuania.
