
Eugene Onegin


4'Whose gaze, while stirring inspiration, with a dewy caress rewarded your pensive singing? Whom did your 4 verse idolize?" Faith, nobody, my friends, I swear! Love's mad anxiety I cheerlessly went through. 8 Happy who blent with it the fever of rhymes: thereby the sacred frenzy of poetry he doubled, striding in Petrarch's tracks5 12 as to the heart's pangs, he allayed them and meanwhile fame he captured too- but I, when loving, was stupid and mute.


Love passed, the Muse appeared, and the dark mind cleared up. Once free, I seek again the concord 4 of magic sounds, feelings, and thoughts 5 I write, and the heart does not pine5 the pen draws not, lost in a trance, next to unfinished lines, 8 feminine feet or heads 5 extinguished ashes will not flare again 3 I still feel sad; but there are no more tears, and soon, soon the storm's trace 1 2 will hush completely in my soul: then I shall start to write a poem in twenty-five cantos or so.
