Chapter Two

Alone midst his possessions, merely to while away the time, at first conceived the plan our Eugene 4 of instituting a new system. In his backwoods a solitary sage, the ancient corvee7s yoke by the light quitrent he replaced; 8 the muzhik blessed fate, while in his corner went into a huff,. therein perceiving dreadful harm, his thrifty neighbor. 12 Another slyly smiled, and all concluded with one voice that he was a most dangerous eccentric. v At first they all would call on him, but since to the back porch habitually a Don stallion 4 for him was brought as soon as one made out along the highway the sound of their domestic runabouts outraged by such behavior, 8 they all ceased to be friends with him. 4'Our neighbor is a boor $ acts like a crackbrain $ he's a Freemason5 he drinks only red wine, by the tumbler 3 12, he won't go up to kiss a lady's hand5 'tis all 'yes,' 'no'-he'll not say 'yes, sir,' or 'no, sir.' " This was the general voice.
