Eugene Onegin I did not wish to lose. Another thing yet separated us: 16 a hapless victim Lenskifell… From all that to the heart is dear then did I tear my heart away; alien to everybody, tied by nothing, no I thought: liberty and peace are a substitute for happiness. Good God/ How wrong I was, how I am punished!

No-every minute to see you-, to follow 24 you everywhere; the smile of your lips, movement of your eyes, to try to capture with enamored eyes; to listen long to you, to comprehend 2,8 all your perfection with one's soul; to melt in agonies before you, grow pale and waste away… thafs rapture!

And ?? deprived of that; for you 52 / drag myself at random everywhere; to me each day is dear, each hour is dear, while I in futile dullness squander the days told off by fate-they are 5 ? sufficiently oppressive anyway. I know: my span is well-nigh measured; but that my life may be prolonged

I must be certain in the morning 40 of seeing you during the day.
