Chapter Three


I write to you-what would one more? What else is there that I could say?

7 Tis now? / know, within your will 4 to punish me with scorn. But ??? preserving for my hapless lot at least one drop of pity, you4l not abandon me. 8 At first, I wanted to be silent $ believe me: of my shame you never would have known if I had had the hope but seldom, 12 but once a week, to see you at our country place, only to hear you speak, to say a word to you, and then 16 to think and think about one thing, both day and night, till a new meeting. But, they say, you7re unsociable; in backwoods, in the country, all bores you, 2 0 while we… in no way do we shine, though simpleheartedly we welcome you. Why did you visit us?

In the backwoods of a forgotten village, 24 / would have never known you nor have known this bitter torment. The turmoil of an inexperienced soul having subdued with time {who knows?), 28 / would have found a friend after my heart, have been a faithful wife
