Why is Tatiana, then, more guilty? Is it because in sweet simplicity deceit she knows not and believes 4 in her elected dream? Is it because she loves without art, being obedient to the bent of feeling?
Is it because she is so trustful 8 and is endowed by heaven with a restless imagination, intelligence, and a live will, and headstrongness, 12 and a flaming and tender heart? Are you not going to forgive her the thoughtlessness of passions? xxv The coquette reasons coolly 5 Tatiana in dead earnest loves and unconditionally yields 4 to love like a sweet child. She does not say: Let us defer5 thereby we shall augment love's value, inveigle into toils more surely5 8 let us first prick vainglory with hope; then with perplexity exhaust a heart, and then revive it with a jealous fire, 12 for otherwise, cloyed with delight, the cunning captive from his shackles hourly is ready to escape. i65 Eugene Onegin