Eugene Onegin
For two days new to him seemed the secluded fields, the coolness of the somber park, 4 the bubbling of the quiet brook; by the third day, grove, hill, and field did not engage him any more; then somnolence already they induced; 8 then plainly he perceived that in the country, too, the boredom was the although there were no streets, no palaces, [same, no cards, no balls, no verses. 12 The hyp was waiting for him on the watch, and it kept running after him like a shadow or faithful wife.
I was born for the peaceful life, for country quiet: the lyre's voice in the wild is more resounding, 4 creative dreams are more alive. To harmless leisures consecrated, I wander by a wasteful lake andy^r niente is my rule. 8 By every morn I am awakened unto sweet mollitude and freedom; little I read, a lot I sleep, volatile fame do not pursue. 12 Was it not thus in former years, that in inaction, in the [shade], I spent my happiest days?