TRILETZKY (knocking on a schoolhouse window). Sasha! Little sister! Sasha!
SASHA (opening the window). Who’s there? It’s you, Kolya! What do you want?
TRILETZKY. Aren’t you yet asleep? Let me in, darling, for a night’s shelter!
SASHA. Of course!
TRILETZKY. YOU can put me in the class-room... And please don’t tell Misha I’m here . . . he’ll keep me up with his philosophy! My head goes round. I’m seeing double... I’m seeing two windows. Through which one shall I get in? It’s well I’m not married, or I’d imagine I was a bigamist.
• . . And you have two heads on your two necks! That reminds me: near the tree stump, by the river • . . that is, I sneezed there, and when I drew out my handkerchief I dropped forty roubles... Do get there early tomorrow, and pick them up... Have a good look round... You may keep them. . . .
SASHA. Most likely the carpenters will pick up the money at dawn... What a clown you are, Kolya!
Oh, yes! I’d almost forgotten . . . The shopkeeper’s wife was here and begged you to come and see her husband as soon as ever you can... He was suddenly taken ill... Had a stroke or something... Go quickly!
TRILETZKY. God be with him! How can I ... I myself have pains in the head and in the stomach . . . (Climbs through the window.) Stand to one side. . . .
SASHA. Come, be quick! You’ve caught me with your foot... (Shuts the window.)
PLATONOV. The devils are sending someone else here!
ANNA PETROVNA. Don’t move.
PLATONOV. Don’t hold on to me... I’ll do what I like! Who’s coming?
ANNA PETROVNA. Petrin and Stcherbook. (Enter Pe- trin and Stcherbook reeling, without their frock-coats. The first is wearing a black top-hat, the other a grey.)