OSSIP and later SASHA.

OSSIP (comes running in with the chain). Where is he? (Glances round.) Where is he? Is he gone? Isn’t he here? (Whistles.) Mikhail Vassilyitch! Mikhail Vassilyitch! Ai! (Pause.) Not here! (Runs to the window and knocks.) Mikhail Vassilyitch! Mikhail Vassilyitch! (Breaks a window fane.)

SASHA (from the window). Who’s there?

OSSIP. Call Mikhail Vassilyitch! Only be quick!

SASHA. What’s happened? He’s not in the house!

OSSIP (shouting). He’s not here? That means, he’s gone to the general’s widow! The widow was here and asked him to come to her! Everything’s lost, Alexandra Ivanovna! He went to the widow, the accursed man!

SASHA. You lie!

OSSIP. May God punish me if he hasn’t gone to the widow! I saw and heard everything! They embraced and kissed each other here...

SASHA. You lie!

OSSIP. May neither my father nor my mother see the Kingdom of Heaven if I lie! He went to the general’s widow, I tell you! He left his wife! Go after him, Alexandra Ivanovna! No, no! Everything’s lost! And you’re an unhappy woman now! (He takes his gun from his shoulders.) She gave me orders for the last time, and I shall carry them out for the last time! (Shoots into the air.) If I only meet him! (Thrones the gun on the ground.) I’ll cut his throat, Alexandra Ivanovna! (Jumps over the mound and sits down on the wood stump.) Don’t you worry, Alexandra Ivanovna . . . don’t you worry! I’ll cut his throat... Have no doubt about it. . . .

(Railway signal lights ap-pear.)

SASHA (comes out in her night-jacket, and her hair all loose). So he’s gone... He’s duped me... (Weeps.) I’m lost... Kill me, oh Lord, after this... (Whistle of train is heard.) I’ll throw myself under the train. I don’t want to live... (Lies down on the rails.) So he’s duped me... Kill me, Mother of God! (Pause.) Forgive me, oh Lord... Forgive me... (She shouts.) Kolya! (Raises herself to her knees.) My son! Save me! Save me! There comes the train! Save me!

OSSIP (jumps to save Sasha).

SASHA (falling on the rails). Ah-h . . .

OSSIP (picking her up and carrying her into the school-house). I’ll cut his throat... Don’t you worry!

(The train passes by.)

