PLATONOV {seizing his head). Not I alone am like that! Everyone is! Everyone! My God, what’s humankind coming to? [Where’s their strength, their reason?] What can I be thinking of! [The soul weeps, while some accursed force, some kind of demon goads one on. . . .] Don’t go to her! She’s not yours! You’ll spoil her life, you’ll injure her forever! Leave this place! No! I shall go to her, I shall go on living here, I shall go on drinking and scandal-mongering... They’re all vicious here, all stupid, all drunk... Eternally drunk! A stupid mother ... a drunken father! Father . . . mother! Father . . . May your bones have no peace because you’ve made me what I am! (Pause.) No . . . what did I say? God will forgive me... The Kingdom of Heaven... (Stumbling on Ven- gerovitch who’s lying on the ground.) Who’s this?

VENGEROVITCH ii (rising to his knees). A wild, monstrous, infamous night. . . .

PLATONOV. Ah-a-a-a . . . Go and note this wild night in your fool’s diary with inks of paternal conscience! Get out from here!

VENGEROVITCH II. Yes . . . I’ll note it down! (Goes.)

PLATONOV. What was he doing here? Was he listening? (To Ossip.) And who are you? What are you doing here? Were you also listening? Get out! Stop... Go after Vengerovitch and take his chain from him!

OSSIP. What chain?

PLATONOV. He has a large golden chain hanging on his breast! Catch up with him and take it from him! Step lively! (Stamping his feet.) Lively ... or you won’t catch up with him! He’s running to the village like one mad!

OSSIP. And are you going to the widow?

PLATONOV. Run, you wretch! Don’t beat him up, but only take his chain! Go on! Why are you standing there? Run!

OSSIP (runs).

PLATONOV (after a pause). To go . . . To go, or not to go? (Sighs.) To go ... I’ll go, and begin a long, banal, ugly song. ... I thought I was clad in sound armour! In reality ... A woman has said a word and raised a storm in me... Men try to settle world questions, but I have a woman! All one’s life ... a woman! Csesar had his Rubicon, but I have a woman... An empty-headed woman- chaser! It wouldn’t be pitiful if I didn’t try to struggle against it, but I do struggle! I am weak, hopelessly weak!

SASHA (from the window). Misha, are you there?

PLATONOV. Yes, I am here, my poor golden one!

SASHA. Come in!

PLATONOV. No, Sasha! I want the air. My head aches horribly. Sleep, my angel!

SASHA. Good-night! (Shuts the window.)

PLATONOV. It’s hard to deceive anyone who has infinite faith! and here am I perspiring and flushing... I’m going! (Goes. He meets Katya and Yakov, coming toward him.)
