ORLOVSKY (to SONYA): Well, why are you sitting down?

Come, my ducky! . . . [Goes out with SONYA.

DYADIN (aside): No one said good-bye to me! . . .

That is fascinating! (Puts out the candles.)

ORLOVSKY (to SONYA): What’s the matter?

SONYA: I can’t go away, dear godpa. ... I can’t! I’m in despair, godpa... I’m in despair! It’s so unbearably difficult!

ORLOVSKY (alarmed): What’s wrong? My ducky, my beauty! . . .

SONYA: Let’s remain here... Let’s stay here a little while.

ORLOVSKY: One moment it’s “ take me away,” the other moment “ let’s stay “!...! can’t make you out. . . .

SONYA: Here to-day I have lost my happiness... It’s unbearable! . . . Oh, godpa dear, why am I still alive?

(Embracing him) Oh, if you knew, if you knew!

ORLOVSKY: I’ll give you some water... Let’s sit down... Come!

DYADIN: What’s wrong? Sophie Alexandrovna dear . . .

you mustn’t, I am all of a tremble! . . . (Tearfully) I can’t bear to see it! . . . My dear child! . . .

SONYA: Ilya Ilyich, drive me over to the fire! I implore you!

ORLOVSKY: What do you want with the fire? What will you do there?

SONYA: I implore you, drive me over to the fire, or I’ll walk there. I’m in despair... Godpa, it’s hard, unbearably hard! Drive me over to the fire.

Enter KHROUSCHOV hurriedly.
