VOINITZEV and GLAGOLYEV II (come running on the scene with rifles across their shoulders). VOINITZEV. There he is! There he is! (Embraces Platonov.) Well? Are you going to join us in a hunt?

PLATONOV. No . . . Wait!

VOINITZEV. What’s the matter with you, friend? (Laughs.) Ah, you’re drunk! Drunk! Is it the first time you’re drunk? My God, how happy I am! My friend! (Embraces Platonov.) Are you coming? She sent me... Asked me to bring some wild fowl home. . . .

GLAGOLYEV II. Don’t let’s put matters off! The light’s already breaking. . . .

VOINITZEV. Have you heard what we’ve thought of? It’s a real stroke of genius! We’re thinking of putting Hamlet on! Upon my word! What a show it will be! (Laughs.) How pale you are... Are you drunk?

PLATONOV. Yes-s . . . I’m drunk.

VOINITZEV. Stop... It’s my idea! Tomorrow we begin preparing the scenery! I shall be Hamlet, Sofya — Ophelia. You will be Claudius, Triletzky — Horatio... How happy I am! How satisfied! Shakespeare, Sofya, you and maman! I don’t need anything more! Perhaps only Glinka’s music! Nothing more! I shall be Hamlet. . . .

This was your husband. Look you now, what follows. . . .

(Laughs.) Am I not Hamlet?

PLATONOV (breaks from his embrace and- runs).

Scoundrel! (Runs away.)

[ECHO. Scoundrel . . . drel . . . drel . . .]

VOINITZEV. Tiu-liu-liu! Drunk! Splendid!

(Laughs.) Look at our friend!

GLAGOLYEV II. Plenty of spirits in him... Let’s start!

VOINITZEV. Yes, let’s. You too would have been my friend, if . . . The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons be all my sins remembered! (They go.) (The sound of an approaching train is heard.)
