PLATONOV (alone).
PLATONOV (after a -pause). So here are the consequences... I’ve played my role too well! I’ve hurt a woman, a living creature, quite without any reason or need... My accursed tongue! What it’s brought me to... What’s to be done now? Well, wise head, do a little reflecting! Curse yourself, tear your hair... (Lapses into thought.) Shall I leave? That’s what I ought to do . . . leave this place at once and not show my face until Judgment Day! Yes, go from here and learn the hard hand of need, of labour! Better a hard life than this one with all its past! (Pause.) I’m going... But . . . Surely Sofya doesn’t really love me? Yes? (Laughs.) Why? How dark and strange everything is in this world! (Pause.) Strange . . . Surely this lovely, statuesque woman with wonderful hair isn’t capable of loving a poor, queer fellow like me? How can she love me? It’s incredible! (Lights a match and scans the letter.) Yes . . . Me? Sofya? (Laughs.) She loves me? (Presses his hands to his breast.) Oh, happiness! What happiness! It will be a new life for me, with new faces and new scenery! I’m going!
March to the summer-house near the four columns! Wait for me, my Sofya! You were and will be mine! (He walks, then pauses.) No, I’m not going! (Walks back.) What, break up a family? (He shouts.) Sasha, I’m coming! Open the door! (Presses his hands to his head.) No, I’m not going, I’m not going... I’m not going! (Pause.) I am going! (Goes.) Go, break up things, stamp on them, defile them... (Stumbles on Voinitzev and Glagolyev II.)