PLATONOV (alone) and, afterwards, VOINITZEV.

PLATONOV. Thus begins my new life! It’s painful! I’m losing everything! ... I’ll go out of my mind! My God! [(Bites the pillow.)’] Sasha, a mere flea . . . and even she dares to throw a stone at me! (Lies down on the divan.) VOINITZEV (enters and pauses in the doorway).

PLATONOV (after a pause). Is this the epilogue, or is the comedy still in progress? (On seeing Voinitzev he shuts his eyes and snores lightly.) VOINITZEV (approaching Platonov). Platonov! (Pause.) You’re not sleeping. ... I can see that from your face... (Sits down near him.) I don’t think you can be asleep...

PLATONOV (rising).

VOINITZEV (rises and looks out of the window). You’ve killed me... Do you know that? (PaUse.) I thank you... What do I want? God be with you... Let it be as it is. Perhaps, it had to happen... (Weeps.)

PLATONOV (rises and slowly walks to another corner °f the room).

VOINITZEV. Once I received a gift from fortune and

. . . even this gift was taken from me! It was not enough that he should have a mind, beauty, a great soul... He must needs have my happiness too! He’s taken it away... And I? What about me? I have nothing now. ... So it is. .. .

PLATONOV. Go away from here! VOINITZEV. Presently... I’ve come to call you out to a duel, but now that I’m here I can do nothing but weep... I’m going. (Pause.) Have I lost finally?


VOINITZEV (whistling). So it is...

PLATONOV. Go away! I implore you! Go! VOINITZEV. Presently... What can I do here? . . . (Goes to the door.) I can do nothing here... (Pause.) Give her back to me, Platonov! Be good! After all, she belongs to me! Platonov, you are happy as it is! Save me, dear fellow! Give her back to me! (Weeps.) After all, she’s mine! Mine! Do you understand?

PLATONOV (goes to the divan). Go away! . . . I’ll shoot myself ... I swear on my honour! VOINITZEV. NO, don’t! . . . God be with you! (Makes a helpless gesture with his hand and goes out.)

PLATONOV (pressing his hands to his head). Oh, unhappy, pitiful man! My God! Curses upon my head! (Weeps.) Vermin that I am, why don’t I let people alone? I’ve brought nothing but misfortune upon people, and people have brought nothing but misfortune upon me! I must let people alone! They go on beating me, and beating me, yet without killing me! A murderer sits in every corner, looks into my eyes, and wants to kill me! Go on beating me! (Beats his breast.) Beat me, as long as I haven’t killed myself! (Runs to the doory and shouts.) Sasha! Sasha! For God’s sake! (Opens the door. Glagolyev I comes in.)
