KATYA (to Yakov). Wait here... I’ll come back at once. ... I only want to get a book... Now, don’t go away! (Goes toward Platonov.)

PLATONOV (seeing Katya). You? What do you want?

KATYA (frightened). Oh . . . It’s you? I’m looking for you.

PLATONOV. It’s you, Katya? Everyone, beginning with the mistress and ending with the [snub-nosed] chamber-maid, everyone is a night-bird! What do you want?

KATYA (quietly). My mistress has sent you a letter.


KATYA. My mistress has sent you a letter.

PLATONOV. Why are you lying? What mistress?

KATYA (in a lower voice’). Sofya Egorovna...

PLATONOV. What? Are you out of your wits? Try a cold shower! Get out!

KATYA (handing him a letter). Here it is!

PLATONOV (snatching the letter). Letter . . . letter .. . What letter? Couldn’t you wait until tomorrow? (Opens the letter.) How am I to read it?

KATYA. She’s asked you to do it as soon as possible. . . .

PLATONOV (lighting a match). The devil himself has brought you here! (Reads.) “I am taking the first step. Come, we’ll take it together. I am rising from the dead. Come and take me. I am yours.” The devil knows . . . Some sort of telegram! “I shall wait until four o’clock in the summer-house near the four columns. My drunken husband has left with young Glagolyev on a hunting expedition. All yours, S.” As if there wasn’t enough without this! That’s all that was necessary! (To Katya.) Why are you staring?

KATYA. Why shouldn’t I look, if I have eyes!

PLATONOV. Gouge your eyes out! Is this letter for me?

KATYA. For you. . . .

PLATONOV. YOU lie! Get out!

KATYA. Very well. (Goes away with Yakov.)
