Chon hangs up and relishes the thought of O for a few minutes, and then moves off it because a real nurse comes with his meds.
Sanitized word for drugs
Which there’s a war on. And there’s also a War on Terrorism and they’re connected, Chon contemplates as the meds take hold-the politicians either are on drugs or should be.
A bunch of religious fanatics mostly from Saudi Arabia fly planes into buildings and we invade…
It’s a generational thing, Chon muses.
Bush Sr. goes to war against Saddam Hussein and puts troops in Saudi Arabia (which was bin Laden’s reason for going to “war” against America), and Hussein tries to kill Bush Sr., and then Bush Jr.-faithful son, loyal son-uses bin Laden’s attack as an excuse to get payback for Hussein’s attempted hit on his dad.
41 as Brando
43 as Pacino and featuring Saddam Hussein as Virgil “The Turk” (near miss there) Sollozzo. And the U.S.A. as a collective, credulous Diane Keaton
Just this once, Kay, I’m going to let you ask me about my business
Shut the fucking door in her face and get on with it, lock yourself up with the Cabinet and the Congress and
Guzzle the Kool-Aid.
No, Chon decides, the problem with the politicians is not that they’re on drugs, it’s that they’re not.
The drugs they have for bipolar, schizophrenic paranoid delusions are so good now.
They work.
Problem is, they work so well that the patients think they’re cured and stop taking them and get sick again and do crazy shit like invade Iraq in the delusional belief it’s going to make their fathers love them.
So please, Mr. President
Chon thinks as he floats into a drug cloud of his own
Don’t go off the meds.