Duane and Brian are cruising past Laguna High when the world explodes. Flashing lights, sirens, cop cars coming from all compass points.

Duane thinks about trying to run for it but sees it’s futile so he says, “Quick, throw the gun out.”


“Throw the fucking gun out the window!” Duane yells.

The presence of a gun on a drug charge doubles the sentence, and he also doesn’t want to give the cops an excuse to vaporize them.

Brian throws the gun out and Duane pulls over.

The cops do the whole dramatic get-out-of-the-car-and-walk-backward-toward-the-sound-of-my-voice thing and then the put-your-hands-behind-your-back thing and Duane gets to stand there handcuffed while

Dennis opens the trunk and does the whole well-what-have-we-here thing and then walks over to Duane and does the whole you-have-the-right-to-remain-silent-anything-you-say-can-and-will thing while another cop works on Brian with the whole we-saw-you-throw — something-out-the-window-if-it’s-a-gun-do-the-right-thing-and-tell-us — so-some-schoolkid-doesn’t-find-it-and-get-hurt thing.

Then Dennis gets cute with it. He says, “SB 420 allows you eight ounces of dried, processed cannabis. I’m guessing you’re about a hundred and nineteen pounds over the limit here, chief.”

Duane says nothing.

Then Dennis slices open one of the packages and pulls out a bag of

