The Powers That Be

Are powers because they’ve figured it out.

Specifically You don’t want to be in the drug business, you want to be in the turf business.

You get cops, judges, lawyers, muscle and charge a fee for people to sell drugs on your turf. You don’t own a stall in the market, you own the market and take a percentage of everybody else’s stall.

The marijuana stall, the cocaine stall, the heroin stall, the methamphetamine stall, the whatever-the-fuck-as-long-as-it’s-illegal-to-sell stall, you get your piece.

And it’s not just the dealers-you get a referral fee from the lawyers and money launderers you send them to.

In the great movie franchise that is the illicit drug trade, you aren’t actors or writers or even directors or producers.

You’re CAA.

Look at it this way: if you take 15 percent of the top ten dealers in your area, you are the biggest dealer in the area.

Without ever touching a drug.

Low profile, high profit.

You can’t be busted.

The actual drug dealers take all the risks and bring in money every day.

If they don’t And at some point you hope they don’t, because then you

Lend them the money to make the payments.

Of course, this requires no monetary outlay on your part; you simply extend their payments while charging interest in the form of late fees.

Dig it-now you’re your own credit card company.

They can never catch up-at some point you own their entire business and they become your employees-and you let them make enough money to eke out a living until you bust them out and then Somebody else volunteers to take their place. The suckers stand in line to take a number and get fucked because even owning 85 percent of themselves they can make a lot of money if they don’t fuck it up.

It’s a beautiful thing, being

The Powers That Be.
