Chon’s face appears on the screen.

Via the miracle of Skype.

Ben angles the lappie so O can see him, too.

She breaks into a huge grin.

“Chonny, Chonny, Chonny, Chonny boy!”

“Hi, guys.”

“How are you, bro?” Ben asks.

“Good. Yeah, fine. You?”

“Excellent,” Ben lies.

Wants to tell him.


Even when Chon asks, “How’s business?”

“Business is good.”

Because it seems cruel to tell someone about a problem he can’t do anything about but sit and worry. And the last thing Ben wants to give Chon is a distraction. Take his mind off what he’s doing.

And Chon looks tired, worn down.

So Ben commits a

Lie of omission.

So instead they make small talk, O assures Chon that she’s taking good care of his plant, and then Chon’s time is up and his face disappears from the screen.
