OGR hands Ben the case.

“Count it if you want.”

“Yeah, I will.”

Turning his back on them

(Oh, Ben, Chon thinks.) he sets the case down on a bale of dope and counts the wrapped stacks of bills. It’s all there, $42K. He closes the case back up and nods at the dope. “Go for it.”

Brian starts to load the packages into the trunk of their car.

“How about the equipment, you want that?” Ben asks.

“Hold a yard sale,” OGR says.

Brian finishes loading the dope.

“I guess this is goodbye,” Ben says.

“It better be,” OGR says. “We hear anything more about you-you sell as much as a nickel bag to a college kid-you end up with your head on a steering wheel. You got that?”

“Got it.”


OGR takes a second to fix him with one more bad-guy glare and then gets into the car.

Ben watches them drive away, thinking
