Miguel Arroyo, also known as Lado, leads a caravan of Suburbans through the streets of Tijuana and pulls up outside of the nightclub. His black-clad men pour out of the trucks, their M16s carried at high port, and surround the concrete block building, a hangout of the Sanchez-Lauter faction that went over to the Berrajanos.

Then Lado leads a squad through the front door.

“Police!” Lado yells.

There are about a dozen men in the club, with their girlfriends or their segunderas.

“Police!” Lado yells again. A few of the men start for their weapons but quickly realize they’re outgunned and raise their hands.

Lado’s men relieve them of their weapons and line them up against the wall.

Then they step back and, at Lado’s curt nod, open fire.
