“I want the baby.”
“What?” Taylor asks.
She’s sleepy. It’s three o’clock in the morning and John woke her up.
“I want the baby,” John says.
“It’s not a baby,” she says, “it’s a fetus.”
“It’s a human being.”
“What are you, like, Catholic all of a sudden?” she asks. “We can’t have a baby, John-we are babies.”
You have to hand it to Taylor, John thinks.
She ain’t honest often, she ain’t real often, but when she is Bang.
She gets the job done.
“That’s what I mean,” he says. “If we had a kid, we’d have to grow up, right?”
“I don’t know,” she says. “I mean, I’ve never pictured myself as a, you know, mother. Can you really see yourself as a father?”
Funny fucking thing is, all of a sudden he can.
With Doc gone…
He’s not the kid anymore; maybe he’s ready to be the father.
“Let’s get married,” he says.
“It’s what real people do, isn’t it?” John asks. “They grow up, they get married, they start families?”
It’s what they do.
Isn’t always what they should.
But it’s what they do.