Here’s how it happens Doc gives Stan and Diane tacos.

Stan and Diane give Doc a tab of blotter acid.

Doc goes back into the water, gets into a wave, and discovers that the molecules that form the wave are the same molecules that form him, so that he does not need to become one with the wave, he is already one with the wave, in fact, we are all the same wave…

And goes and finds Stan and Diane and weepingly tells them so.

“I know, ” Diane gushes.

She can’t know, she’s never been on a board, but we’re all on the same wave, so…

“I know you do,” Doc says.

Doc comes back with his surfer buddies and they all turn on. Now you have Republican Orange County’s baddest nightmare-the worst antisocial elements (surfers and hippies) gathered on one combination plate in a demonic, drug-induced love fest.

And planning to institutionalize it, because

Stan and Diane share their problem-lack of funds-with Doc and the boys and Doc offers a solution.

“Grass,” he says. “Dope.”

Surfing and dope go together like… like… uhhhh…

… surfing and dope.

Surfers had been hauling grass back up from safaris in Mexico for years, the 1954 Plymouth station wagon being the smuggling vehicle of choice, because all of its interior panels could be removed, the insides stuffed with dope, and put back on.

“We can get you the money to fix up this place,” Doc says, volunteering not only himself but his surfing buddies. “A few Baja runs and that’s all you need.”

Doc and the boys make the requisite runs, sell the product, and donate the proceeds to Stan, Diane, et al. to spread love, peace, and acid throughout Laguna Beach and its environs.

The Bread and Marigolds Bookstore opens in May of the year.

It sells The Tibetan Book of the Dead, The Anarchist Cookbook, On the Road, incense, sandals, psychedelic posters, rock albums, tie-dyed T-shirts, macrame bracelets (You know what? Go ahead and hate them), all that happy shit, and distributes acid to the turned-on.

Stan and Diane are happy.
