Dig our brother John.

Seventeen years old, he rents not one but two houses in Dodge City.

One to live in, the other to store his dope in.

He makes more round-trips to Mexico than the Trailways bus, and he ain’t skateboarding five-dollar fingers anymore. (He has three other grems doing that, and happy for the money.) He is wholesaling now, selling in volume to street dealers, making real money. He has so much grass stashed in that second domicile it becomes known as “The Shit Brick House.”

He has a twenty-three-year-old girlfriend named Lacey living with him who has a sleek body, so flexible because it doesn’t have a jealous bone in it. He can drive his own car now and has three of them, the Plymouth, a ’65 Mustang convertible, and an old Chevy pickup he uses to put his surfboards in. He has a quiver of custom-made boards. He hangs out with the Dead when they roll through town. He gets high on trips with Doc to Maui.

He’s still Doc’s puppy, but now they say that he “runs with the big dogs.”

John is a junior member of the Association.
