Duane Crowe goes home long enough to pack a few things.

Because this could go either way.

He folds his Old Guys Rule shirt into the duffel bag and thinks about the phone conversation that was less than reassuring.

Yeah, we have judges, but this is federal, Duane. That makes it tough. Say you get twelve-you serve twelve. You can do twelve. I’ve done it. You’re still a young man when you get out.

I’m not a young man now, Duane thinks. He grabs a couple of pairs of jeans out of a dresser drawer and throws them in the bag. I have a daughter going to college. I have tuition to pay. I can’t do one year, never mind the cost of the trial, the defense.

And that’s just the drug charge.

The other thing…

… is a problem. If the other guy gets weak in the knees… You fucked up. You know, with the girl. It’s a problem.

Yeah, thanks a fucking heap. Tell me something I don’t know. Just like the Powers That Be, you work your ass off for them, make them money, and then when there’s a “problem” they leave you on an island.

But Duane gets the message.

The Powers That Be will take a chance on the drug charge, but the homicides?

If I don’t do something about Brian, they’re going to do something about me. They’re going to clean house-Brian, Leonard, me.

If they’re not on their way already.

He puts the revolver in his pocket and heads out.
