“Glad to hear you say it,” Chon says.

“You’re not going to be glad to hear me say this,” Ben answers. “We’re not going ‘drug war.’ No ‘eye for an eye.’”

“So what do you suggest?”

“I’m going to the cops.”

“Which cops?” Chon asks. “Theirs?”

“Not every cop is dirty.”

What Ben can’t seem to get through his head, Chon thinks, is that the justice system is set up for the system, not the justice. The drug laws make us out laws. Outside the protection of the law. The only protection we have is self — protection, and you cannot go Gandhi on that, you just can’t lie down in the street, because the other side will be happy to run you over and then throw it in reverse and do it again.

“I’m not asking you to do it,” Chon says, “I’m just asking you to step aside and let me do it.”
