When Brian comes to, he’s duct-taped to a chair.

Chon sits across from him.

“What did I tell you?” Chon says. “What did I tell you I’d do if you laid another hand on one of our people?”

Brian remembers the answer. “Don’t. Please.”

“Say it-what did I tell you?”

“That you’d kill me.”

“Did you think I was kidding?”


“Do you think I’m kidding now?”

“No. Please. Jesus.”

“I’m going to give you one motherfucking chance,” Chon says. “One. To tell me the truth. If you lie, I’ll know it and I’ll kill you. Tell me you understand, Brian.”

“I understand.” His legs are shaking.

“Who pulled the trigger on Scott Munson and that girl?”


“Duane Crowe.”

Brian nods.

“What did you tell the cops?”


“Here’s what you’re going to do,” Chon says. “You’re going to call Crowe, tell him you want to meet.”

“He won’t come.”

“Tell him he comes or you tell the feds everything,” Chon says. “What’s his number?”

Brian tells him.

Chon takes Brian’s phone, punches in Crowe’s number, and holds it up to Brian’s mouth.
