CHAPTER 6: E=mc2, ]/≡/ v + C7H38O43
1. Rhodes, The Making of the Atomic Bomb, Op. cit., page 50. For the links between early empiricism and the Enlightenment, see Ernest Gellner, Plough, Sword and Book, Op. cit., page 133.
2. Rhodes, Op. cit., pages 41–42.
3. L. G. Wickham Legg (editor), Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1949, page 766, column 2.
4. Rhodes, Op. cit., page 43.
5. Dictionary of National Biography, Op. cit., page 769, column 2.
6. Rhodes, Op. cit., page 47.
7. Ibid.
8. David Wilson, Rutherford: Simple Genius, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1983, page 291.
9. Wilson, Op. cit., page 289.
10. Ernest Marsden, ‘Rutherford at Manchester,’ in J. B. Birks (editor), Rutherford at Manchester, London: Heywood & Co., 1962, page 8.
11. Rhodes, Op. cit., pages 49–50.
12. Wilson, Op. cit., pages 294 and 297.
13. Rhodes, Op. cit., page 50.
14. Michael White and John Gribbin, Einstein: A Life in Science, London: Simon & Schuster, 1993, page 5.
15. Ibid., page 9.
16. Ibid., page 10.
17. Ibid., page 8.
18. Ronald W. Clark, Einstein: The Life and Times, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1973, page 16.
19. Ibid., pages 76–83; see also White and Gribbin, Op. cit., page 48.
20. Clark, Einstein, Op. cit., pages 61–62.
21. See Ibid., pages 89ff for others.
22. White and Gribbin, Op. cit., page 95.
23. Clark, Einstein, Op. cit., pages 100ff.
24. This section is based on Wiebe E. Bijker, Of Bicycles, Bakelites and Bulbs: Towards a Theory of Sociological Change, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, chapter 3, pages 101–108.
25. Stephen Fenichell, Plastic: The Making of a Synthetic Century, New York: HarperCollins, 1996, page 86. Bijker, Op. cit., page 130.
26. Encyclopaedia Britannica, London: William Benton, 1963, volume 18, page 40A.
27. Bijker, Op. cit., pages 107–115. The ‘Exploding Teeth’ reference is at page 114.
28. Ibid., page 119.
29. Fenichell, Op. cit., page 89.
30. Bijker, Op. cit., page 146.
31. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Op. cit., page 40D. Bijker, Op. cit., page 147.
32. Fenichell, Op. cit., page 90.
33. Bijker, Op. cit., page 147.
34. Ibid., page 148.
35. Ibid., page 158.
36. Fenichell, Op. cit., page 91.
37. Bijker, Op. cit., pages 159–160.
38. See also Encyclopaedia Britannica, Op. cit., page 40D for further uses.
39. Bijker, Op. cit., page 166.
40. Caroline Moorehead, Bertrand Russell: A Life, London: Sinclair Stevenson, 1992, page 2.
41. See: Ray Monk, Bertrand Russell, The Spirit of Solitude, London: Vintage, 1997, pages 667ff, for a bibliographical discussion of Russell’s works.
42. Moorehead, Op. cit., page 335.
43. Ibid., page 35.
44. Ibid., pages 46ff.
45. Ronald W. Clark, The Life of Bertrand Russell, London: Penguin, 1978, page 43. Moorehead, Op. cit., page 49.
46. Moorehead, Op. cit., pages 96ff.
47. Ibid., pages 97–100.
48. Clark, Bertrand Russell and His World, London: Thames & Hudson, 1981, page 28; See also Monk, Op. cit., page 153.
49. Monk, Op. cit., pages 129ff and passim; Moorehead, Op. cit., page 94.
50. Moorehead, Op. cit., page 96.
51. Bertrand Russell, ‘Whitehead and Principia Mathematica’, Mind, volume lvii, No. 226, April 1948, pages 137–138.
52. Bertrand Russell, The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, 1872–1914, London: George Allen & Unwin, 1967, page 152.
53. Moorehead, Op. cit., pages 99ff.
54. Monk, Op. cit., page 192.
55. Ibid., page 193.
56. Ibid., page 191.
57. Moorehead, Op. cit., page 101.
58. Ibid., page 102.
59. Monk, Op. cit., page 193.
60. Ibid., page 195.
61. M. Weatherall, In Search of a Cure: A History of Pharmaceutical Discovery, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990, page 83.
62. Ibid., pages 84–85.
63. Ibid., page 86.
64. Claude Quétel, Le Mal de Naples: histoire de la syphilis, Paris: Editions Seghers, 1986; translated as History of Syphilis, London: Polity Press in association with Basil Blackwell, 1990, pages 2ff.
65. Allan M. Brandt, No Magic Bullet: A Social History of Venereal Disease in the United States since 1880, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985, page 23.
66. Quétel, Op. cit., page 149.
67. Ibid., page 146.
68. Ibid., page 152.
69. Ibid., pages 157–158.
70. Martha Marquardt, Paul Ehrlich, London: Heinemann, 1949, page 163. Brandt, Op. cit., page 40.
71. Quétel, Op. cit., page 141.
72. Marquardt, Op. cit., page 28.
73. Ibid., pages 86ff.
74. Ibid., page 160.
75. Ibid., pages 163 ff
76. Ibid., page 168.
77. Ibid., pages 175–176.
78. Sigmund Freud, Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, 1905, now available as part of volume VII of the Collected Works (see chapter I, note I, supra), pages 20–21 n.