1. Michael Polanyi, Science, Faith and Society, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1946.
2. Ibid., page 14.
3. Ibid., page 19.
4. Ibid., pages 6off.
5. Julian Symons, Introduction to: George Orwell, 1984, Everyman’s Library, 1993, page xvi. See also Ben Pimlott’s Introduction to Penguin paperback edition, 1989.
6. James Burnham, The Managerial Revolution, or What is Happening in the World Now, New York: Putnam, 1941.
7. For the problem in physics see: Paul R. Josephson, Physics and Politics in Revolutionary Russia, Los Angeles and Oxford: University of California Press, 1991. For the Lysenko problem in Communist China, see: Laurence Schneider, ‘Learning from Russia: Lysenkoism and the Fate of Genetics in China, 1950–1986,’ in Denis Fred Simon and Merle Goldman (editors), Science and Technology in PostMao China, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Council on East Asian Studies/Harvard University Press, 1989, pages 45–65.
8. Krementsov, Stalinist Science, Op. cit., page 115.
9. Ibid., page 107.
10. Ibid., pages 129–131, 151 and 159.
11. Ibid., pages 160 and 165.
12. Ibid., page 169.
13. Ibid., pages 174, 176 and 179.
14. Michael Riordan and Lillian Hoddeson, ‘Birth of an Era’, Scientific American: Special Issue: ‘Solid State Century: The Past, Present and Future of the Transistor’, 22 January 1998, page 10.
15. S. Millman (editor), A History of Engineering and Science in the Bell Systems: Physical Sciences (1923–1980), Thousand Oaks, California: Bell Laboratories, 1983, pages 97ff.
16. Riordan and Hoddeson, Op. cit., page 11.
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid.
19. Ibid., page 14.
20. Brian Winston, Media, Technology and Society: A History from the Telegraph to the Internet, London and New York: Routledge, 1998, pages 216–217. And Chris Evans, The Mighty Micro, London: Gollancz, 1979, pages 49–50.
21. Frank H. Rockett, ‘The Transistor,’ Scientific American: Special Issue: ‘Solid State Century: The Past, Present and Future of the Transistor’, 22 January 1998, pages 18ff.
22. Ibid., page 19.
23. Winston, Op. cit., page 213.
24. Riordan and Hoddeson, Op. cit., pages 14–15.
25. Ibid., page 13.
26. Though the publicity helped the sales of the transistor. See: Winston, Op. cit., page 219.
27. Ibid., page 221.
28. Paul Strathern, Crick, Watson and DNA, London: Arrow, 1997, pages 37–38. James D. Watson, The Double Helix, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968; Penguin paperback, 1990, page 20.
29. Strathern, Op. cit., page 42.
30. Ibid., page 44.
31. For rival groups, and the state of research at the time, see: Bruce Wallace, The Search for the Gene, Op. cit., pages 108ff.
32. Strathern, Op. cit., page 45.
33. Watson, Op. cit., page 25.
34. Strathern, Op. cit., page 49.
35. Ibid., pages 50–53.
36. Watson, Op. cit., page 79.
37. Strathern, Op. cit., page 56.
38. Watson, Op. cit., pages 82–83. Strathern, Op. cit., pages 57–58.
39. Watson, Op. cit., page 91. Strathern, Op. cit., page 60.
40. Watson, Op. cit., page 123.
41. According to Pauling’s biographer, Thomas Hager, ‘Historians have speculated that the denial of Pauling’s passport for the May Royal Society meeting was critical in preventing him from discovering the structure of DNA, that if he had attended he would have seen Franklin’s work …’ Hager, Force of Nature, Op. cit., page 414.
42. Strathern, Op. cit., pages 70–71.
43. There was mutual respect. Pauling already wanted Crick to come to Caltech. See Hager, Op. cit., page 414. Strathern, Op. cit., page 72.
44. Strathern, Op. cit., page 81.
45. Ibid., page 84, where there is a useful diagram.
46. Watson, Op. cit., page 164.
47. Strathern, Op. cit., page 82.
48. Watson wrote an epilogue about her in his book, praising her courage and integrity. He admitted, too late, that he had been wrong about her. Watson, Op. cit., pages 174–175. Strathern, Op. cit., pages 83–84.
49. Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton, Moon Shot, New York: Turner/Virgin, 1994, page 37.
50. James Harford, Korolev: How One Man Masterminded the Soviet Drive to Beat the Americans to the Moon, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1997, page 121.
51. See Shepard and Slayton, Op. cit., page 39, for Reuters more fulsome headlines. Harford, Op. cit., page 130.
52. Although Sputnik I wasn’t large, it was still bigger than what the US planned. See: Charles Murray and Catherine Bly Cox, Apollo: The Race for the Moon, London: Secker & Warburg, 1989, page 23. See also Harford, Op. cit., page 122.
53. See Young, Silcock, and Peter Dunn, Journey to the Sea of Tranquility, London: Jonathan Cape, 1969, pages 80–81 for discussion of cost and security.
54. Harford, Op. cit. See note 50 supra.
55. See Shepard and Slayton, Op. cit., pages 38–39 for other personal details.
56. Harford, Op. cit., pages 49–50.
57. Ibid., page 51.
58. Robert Conquest, The Great Terror, London: Macmillan, 1968; and the same author’s, Kolyma: The Arctic Death Camps, New York: Viking, 1979.
59. Harford, Op. cit., page 57.
60. Ibid., page 91.
61. After Vanguard was announced, the Russians had gloated they would beat the Americans. See: Young, Silcock et al., Op. cit., page 67.
62. For the impact in America, see: Murray and Cox, Op. cit., page 77.
63. Harford, Op. cit., pages 114–115.
64. Ibid., page 110.
65. But not on Eisenhower, and not at first. See: Young, Silcock et al., Op. cit., page 68.
66. See: Young, Silcock et al., Op. cit., page 74, one of several contemporary accounts on the subject that makes no reference to Korolev. Harford, Op. cit., page 133.
67. Shepard and Slayton, Op. cit., page 42.
68. Harford, Op. cit., page 132.
69. Sputnik 2 had an even bigger effect than Sputnik 1. See: Young, Silcock et al., Op. cit., pages 70–71.
70. Harford, Op. cit., page 135.
71. Ibid., pages 135–136.
72. For the effect of Sputnik’s launch on Eisenhower’s policy, see: Young, Silcock et al., Op. cit., pages 82ff.
73. Richard Leakey, One Life, London: Michael Joseph, 1983, page 49.
74. Virginia Morrei], Ancestral Passions: The Leakey family and the Quest for Humankind’s Beginnings, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995, page 57.
75. Mary Leakey, Olduvai Gorge: My Search for Early Man, London: Collins, 1979, page 13.
76. Morrell, Op. cit., pages 80–89.
77. Partly as a result he wrote books on other aspects of East Africa. See for example, L. S. B. Leakey, Kenya: Contrasts and Problems, London: Methuen, 1936.
78. Morrell, Op. cit., pages 163–174.
79. Mary Leakey, Op. cit., pages 83ff.
80. See Mary Leakey, ibid., pages 52–53 for a detailed map of the gorge.
81. Morrell, Op. cit., page 178.
82. Ibid., pages 180–181.
83. Mary Leakey, Op. cit., page 75. See also: Richard Leakey, Op. cit., page 50.
84. Morrell, Op. cit., page 181.
85. Ibid.
86. Mary Leakey, Op. cit., page 74.
87. L. S. B. Leakey, ‘Finding the World’s Earliest Man’, National Geographic Magazine, September 1960, pages 421–435. Morrell, Op. cit., page 194.
88. Morrell, Op. cit., page 196.
89. Ibid., and Richard Leakey, Op. cit., page 49.
90. Claude Lévi-Strauss and Didier Eribon, Conversations with Lévi-Strauss, Op. cit., page 119.
91. Karl Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, London: Hutchinson, 1959. (Originally published in German in Vienna in 1934.) See especially, chapters I, IV and V
92. Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962; 2nd edition, enlarged, University of Chicago Press, 1970, especially chapter VI, pages 52ff.
93. Ibid., page 151.
94. Ibid., pages 137ff.
95. See the Postscript, pages 174ff, in the second, enlarged edition, referred to in Note 92 above.