1. Anthony Hallam, A Revolution in the Earth Sciences, Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1973, pages 63–65. Simon Lamb, Earth Story: The Shaping of Our World, London: BBC, 1998. Robert Muir Wood, The Dark Side of the Earth, London: Allen & Unwin, 1985, pages 165–166.

2. David R. Oldroyd, Thinking about the Earth, Op. cit., page 271.

3. Robert Muir Wood, Op. cit., page 167.

4. Muir Wood, Op. cit., see chart on page 166; see also: D. H. and M. P. Tarling, Continental Drift, London: Bell, 1971, Penguin 1972, page 77 for a vivid graphic.

5. Muir Wood, Op. cit., pages 141–142.

6. Tarling, Op. cit., pages 28ff Muir Wood, Op. cit., map on page 149.

7. Muir Wood, Op. cit., pages 172–175, and map on page 176.

8. C. W. Ceram, The First Americans, Op. cit., pages 289–290.

9. Basil Davidson, Old Africa Rediscovered, Op. cit. See above, chapter 26. See also: Basil Davidson, The Search for Africa: A History in the Making, London: James Currey, 1994.

10. Davidson, Old Africa Rediscovered, Op. cit., page 50.

11. Ibid., pages 187–189.

12. Ibid., pages 212–213.

13. Ibid., pages 216ff.

14. See also: Anthony Kirk-Greene, The Emergence of African History at British Universities, Oxford: World View, 1995.

15. Peter Burke, The French Historical Revolution: The ‘Annales’ School 1929–1989, London: Polity Press, 1990, chapter 2.

16. Ibid., page 17; see also: Françoise Dosse, New History in France: The Triumph of the Annales, Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1994, pages 42ff, translated by Peter Convoy Jr.

17. Marc Bloch, La Société Féodale: Le Class et le gouvernement des Hommes, Paris: Editions Albin Michel, 1940, especially pages 240ff.

18. Burke, Op. cit., pages 27ff.

19. Ibid page 29.

20. Dosse, Op. cit., pages 88ff.

21. Burke, Op. cit., page 33.

22. See: Dosse, Op. cit., page 92 for Braudel’s links to Lévi-Strauss.

23. Burke, Op. cit., pages 35–36.

24. Dosse, Op. cit., page 96 for Braudel and ‘class struggle’ in the Mediterranean.

25. Burke, Op. cit., page 35.

26. Dosse, Op. cit., page 100.

27. Fernand Braudel, The Structures of Everyday Life, London: Collins, 1981. Burke, Op. cit., page 45.

28. Fernand Braudel, Capitalism and Material Life, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1973, pages 68, 97 and 208. Translated by Miriam Kochan.

29. Burke, Op. cit., page 46.

30. See, for example, ‘How shops came to rule the world,’ in Civilisation and Capitalism, volume 2, Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries, The Wheels of Commerce, London: Collins, 1982, pages 68ff.

31. Burke, Op. cit., pages 48ff.

32. Ibid., page 61.

33. Dosse, Op. cit., page 157 for a critique of Ladurie. Burke, Op. cit., page 81.

34. Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Montaillou: Cathars and Catholics in a French village 1294–1324, London: Scolar Press, 1979. Translated by Barbara Bry.

35. I bid., page 39. See also: Burke, Op. cit., page 82.

36. Harvey J. Kaye, The British Marxist Historians: An Introductory Analysis, London: Polity Press, 1984, pages 167–168.

37. Ibid., page 86.

38. See: ‘Rent and Capital Formation in Feudal Society,’ in R. H. Hilton, The English Peasantry in the Later Middle Ages, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975, pages 174ff.

39. See: R. H. Hilton, A Medieval Society: The West Midlands at the end of the Thirteenth Century, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1966, page 108, for quarrels between peasants and their lords over even sheep dung.

40. Kaye, Op. cit., pages 91–92.

41. See, for example: Christopher Hill, Change and Continuity in Seventeenth Century England, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975, pages 205fr

42. Christopher Hill, The English Revolution 1640, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1955, page 6. See also Kaye, Op. cit., page 106.

43. E. P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Classes, London: Gollancz, 1963, especially Part 2: The Curse of Adam, and page 12 for the ‘Condescension’ reference.

44. Ibid., pages 807ff. See also Kaye, Op. cit., pages 173ff

45. Colin Renfrew, Before Civilisation: The Radiocarbon Revolution and Prehistoric Europe, London: Jonathan Cape, 1973; Pimlico paperback, 1999.

46. Ibid., pages 32ff.

47. Ibid., page 93.

48. Ibid., page 133.

49. Ibid., pages 161 and 170.

50. Ibid., page 222.

51. Ibid., page 273.
