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Aalto, Alvar, 332

Abba, Marta, 191

Abel, John, 103

Abel, Wolfgang, 310

Abetz, Otto, 409

Abraham, David: The Collapse of the Weimar Republic, 737

Abraham, Karl, 274, 505

Achebe, Chinua, 51, 706, 713; Things Fall Apart, 460–2, 470

Adams, Franklin P., 217

Adamson, George, 608, 609?

Adamson, Joy, 608, 609?

Addison, Thomas, 103

Adler, Alfred, 15, 138, 142

Adler, Dankmar, 81

Adorno, Theodor, 225–6, 306, 308, 357, 376, 435, 502; The Authoritarian Personality, 434–5

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 737–8

Afar Triangle, Ethiopia, 612

Africa: archaeology of, 726–9; chimpanzees studied in, 609–10; Conrad on, 49–50; elephants studied in, 611–12; gorillas studied in, 610–11; lions studied in, 608; as supposed origin of classical civilisation, 727–8; universities in, 73; see also Laetoli; Negro peoples; Olduvai Gorge; Rift Valley; individual countries

Agadir crisis (1911), 172

Agnew, Spiro, 644–5

Agostinelli, Alfred, 199

Ahlquist, Raymond, 659

Akhmatova, Anna, 323

al-Azhar college-mosque, Cairo, 73

Albers, Josef, 305, 355

Aldrin, Edward (‘Buzz’), 568

Alexander, Franz, 223, 274, 505

Algonquin Hotel, New York, 217

Algren, Nelson, 421–3

Allen, Paul, 605

Althusser, Louis, 626–7, 632

Alvarez, Lucy and Walter, 687

Amis, Kingsley, 464, 469

Anand, Mulk Raj, 709

Anders, Bill, 573

Anderson, Philip, 748

Angelou, Maya, 528–9, 705

Anka, Paul, 457

Anna O see Pappenheim, Bertha

Annalen der Physik (periodical), 93

Annales d’histoire économique et social (journal): ‘Annales’ school of historians, 467, 557–8, 560, 735

Anouilh, Jean, 412–13, 640

Apollinaire, Guillaume, 24, 128–9, 131, 142, 145, 203

‘Apu, trilogy (films), 712

Aquinas, St Thomas, 678

Aragon, Louis, 163, 203, 334, 409

Arden, John, 464

Ardrey, Robert, 607, 616

Arendt, Hannah, 6, 307–9, 354, 435–6, 441, 447, 552, 592; Eichmann in Jerusalem, 435, 504–5

Ariès, Philippe: Centuries of Childhood, 557

Armstrong, Neil, 566, 568

Arnold, Matthew, 74, 234

Aron, Raymond, 306, 408, 412, 447, 626; Progress and Disillusion, 545

Arp, Hans, 161–2

Arrow, Kenneth, 649

Artaud, Antonin, 640

Arteaga, Melchor, 119

Artists in Exile exhibition, New York (1942), 355

Arup, Ove & Partners, 622

Ashbery, John, 512

Ash worth, Dawn, 682–3

Astor, Nancy, 128

Asturias, Miguel Angel, 706–7

Ataturk, Kemal Mustafa, 351

Athens Charter (1933), 331

Atlan, Jean, 414

Atomic Energy Commission, 507

Attlee, Clement, 384

Auden, Wystan Hugh, 239, 328, 332–4, 346, 386, 592, 761; ‘Spain’, 334

Audry, Colette, 422

Auschwitz, 311

Austen, Jane, 276

Australia: universities, 73

Austria: annexed by Germany, 306, 380; refugees in USA, 350

Austro-Hungarian Empire, 26, 36; consequences of 1919 peace, 180

Authoritarian Personality, The (report), 435

Averbakh, Leopold, 324

Avery, Oswald Thomas, 374

Ayer, A. J., 235, 306

Baader, Johannes, 163

Babbage, Charles, 252

Babbitt, George F. (fictional character), 208–10, 212, 280

Babbitt, Milton, 623–4

Babel, Isaac, 324

Bacon, Commander R. H., 50

Baekeland, Leo Hendrik, 96–8, 107, 343

Baez, Joan, 523

Bahr, Hermann, 28–9

Bak, Per, 747–8

Baker, Josephine, 523

Bakst, Leon, 130

Balanchine, George, 130, 358–9

Balázs, Béla, 181–3

Baldwin, James, 459–60, 462, 470, 523, 526–8, 762; The Fire Next Time, 459

Ball, Hugo, 161–2

Ballets Russes, 130

Balzac, Honoré de, 234

Bamberger, Louis, 303

Banes, Sally, 514

Banham, Reyner, 622

Barbusse, Henri, 157

Bardeen, John, 476–8, 615n

Barlach, Ernst, 300–1, 313

Barnacle, Nora, 193

Barnard, Dr Christian, 660

Barnes, Albert, 216

Barnes, Ernest William, Bishop of

Birmingham: Scientific Theory and Religion, 289–91

Barr, Alfred, 353, 510, 622

Barraqué, Jean, 623

Barrett, William, 233

Barrow, John, 758; Impossibility: The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits, 766–7

Barth, Karl, 576

Barthes, Roland, 624, 627, 634–8, 679

Bartók, Béla, 181, 356, 376; Bluebeard’s Castle, 182

Bataille, Georges, 408

Bateson, Gregory, 277, 502

Bateson, William, 318

Baudelaire, Charles, 43, 52, 162

Bauhaus, 223–4, 300, 304, 332

Baumeister, Willi, 351

Bayreuth, 56

Beach, Sylvia, 193–4, 215, 409

Beardsley, Aubrey, 35

Beaubourg Centre see Pompidou Centre

Beauvoir, Simone de, 409–11, 413–15, 421–2, 425, 429, 529; The Second Sex, 423

Bechet, Sidney, 413

Beckett, Samuel, 286, 346, 412, 414, 416–17, 640, 718; Waiting for Godot,


Beckmann, Max, 157, 300, 302, 313, 350, 355

Becquerel, Henri, 91

Beecham, Sir Thomas, 53

Behrens, Peter, 223, 332

Behrensmeyer, Kay, 613

Behrman, David, 514

Beijing University (Beida), 178–9

Belafonte, Harry, 523, 599

Bell, Clive, 127, 201, 340

Bell, Daniel, 439, 447. 454. 599, 605, 620, 761; The Coming of Post-Industrial Society, 592–3; The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, 593–4; The End of Ideology, 437–9, 537, 592; The Public Interest (as editor, with

Irving Kristol), 704

Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray

Hill, New Jersey, 476–7, 569

Belloc, Hilaire, 339

Bellow, Saul: Dangling Man and other titles, 719–20, 721

Bellows, George, 86

Belmondo, Jean-Paul, 639

Beloff, Max, 447

Benchley, Robert, 217

Benda, Julien, 66

Benedict, Ruth, 118, 142, 277, 280–1, 390, 432, 462; The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, 402–4; Patterns of Culture,


Ben-Gurion, David, 504

Benin (West Africa), 49–50

Benjamin, Walter, 235, 330–1, 513, 515; The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, 330–1

Benn, Gottfried: The New State and the Intellectuals, 301–2

Benois, Alexandre, 164

Bentham, Jeremy, 678

Berg, Alban, 37, 180, 222, 229–30; Wozzeck, 230

Bergonzi, Bernard, 152, 156

Bergson, Henri: Inge and, 290; life and ideas, 65–8, 90, 617; Magritte and, 205; notion of time, 87; offers post to

Horkheimer, 305; in Paris, 24, 78; Picasso and, 61; rift with analytical school, 75; Sartre influenced by, 407–8; L’Evolution aéatrice, 65, 67

Beria, Lavrenti, 482

Berlin, 229–33, 237; blockade (1948), 473; Wall, 516–17

Berlin, Sir Isaiah, 1–2, 416, 644–5; Four Essays on Liberty, 544–5, 548

Bernal, J. D., 726, 757

Bernal, Martin: Black Athena, 726–9, 731

Berners-Lee, Tim, 739

Bernhardt, Sarah, 24

Bernstein, Leonard, 599

Bertalanffy, Ludwig von, 183, 629

Bethe, Hans, 507

Betjeman, Sir John, 332

Bettelheim, Bruno, 306, 506

Beveridge, William, Baron, 186, 306, 351, 384; Report (Social Insurance and Allied Services), 383–6

Bible, Holy: and scientific research, 574–6

Binet, Alfred, 147–9, 500

Bingham, Hiram, 118–21

Bion, Wilfrid, 416

Birmingham, Alabama, 523

Birmingham, England, 392–3

Black, Davidson, 577

Black, James, 659

Black Mountain College, North Carolina, 354, 513

Black Panthers, 524–5, 528

Blackboard Jungle, The (film), 457

Blackett, P. M. S., 365

Blanshard, Paul, 580

Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 64

Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire, 361, 364–5

Bleuler, Eugen, 500

Bliss, Lillie P., 127

Bloch, Felix, 507

Bloch, Marc, 557–9

Bloom, Allan, 754, 770; The Closing of the American Mind, 721–3, 724, 729, 753

Bloom, Harold, 770; Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human, 734; The Western Canon, 723–5

Bloom, Leopold (fictional character), 194–5, 197

Blunden, Edmund, 155

Boas, Franz, 112, 116–17, 121, 142, 277–81, 390, 432, 665; The Mind of Primitive Man, 116–18, 277

Boccioni, Umberto, 144

Bodmer, Walter, 615

Bogart, Humphrey, 584

Bogomolov, Alexei, 484

Bohr, Harald, 134, 258

Bohr, Niels Henrick David, 95, 133–4, 142, 256–60, 267, 392, 395–7, 399–400

Boise, Charles, 486

Bok, Edward, 104

Bolt Baranek and Newman (company), 738

Boltsmann, Ludwig, 94

Boltwood, Bertram, 124

Bomberg, David, 154

Bondi, Herman, 508

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 314–15, 415; Act and Being, 314; Letters and Papers from Prison, 214–15

Bonnard, Pierre, 59

Book-of-the-Month Club, 211–12

Boorstin, Daniel: The Image, 548

Borges, Jorge Luis, 349, 706–7

Borman, Frank, 568, 573

Bormann, Martin, 295

Born, Max, 261, 362

Bost, Jacques-Laurent, 423

Bothe, Walter, 262

Boulez, Pierre, 413–14, 621, 623–4, 769; Le Marteau sans maître, 623; Structures, 623

‘Bourbaki, Nikolai’, 414

Bowlby, John: Maternal Care and Mental Health, 498–500, 606

Bown, Ralph, 476

Boyer, Herbert, 605, 614–16

Brace, Chester Loring, 43

Bradley, F. H., 44

Bragg, Lawrence, 479–80

Brahms, Johannes, 158

Braine, John, 464

Brandeis University, USA, 732

Brander, James, 652

Brando, Marlon, 523

Brandt, Max, 239

Brandt, Willy, 543

Braque, Georges, 61–3, 129, 144

Brasillach, Robert, 409

Brattain, Walter, 476–8

Braudel, Fernand, 626–7, 638, 708, 735; Civilisation and Capitalism, 557, 559–60; The Mediterranean, 558–9

Braun, Wernher von, 482, 567

Brecht, Bertolt: in Berlin, 229, 231; expressionism, 222; friendship with

Walter Benjamin, 331; and Hannah

Arendt, 308–9; on Kraus, 193; in Los

Angeles, 356; persecuted as

Communist, 309; The Threepenny Opera, 231–2

Breker, Arno, 312

Brenner, Sidney, 614

Brentano, Franz, 30–2, 36, 46, 65–6, 75

Bresson, Robert, 637

Breton, André, 163–4, 202–3, 354, 408, 422, 511, 626

Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, 389, 389

Breuer, Josef, 13, 30, 36, 55, 142

Breuer, Marcel, 305

Breuil, Henri-Édouard-Prosper, Abbé, 369–70, 577

Brieux, Eugène: Les Avariés, 104

Briggs, Asa, Baron, 219

Brigham, C. C., 150; A Study of American Intelligence, 206

Brigham Young University, Utah, 732–3

Britain: black immigrants in, 462–3; in First World War, 145–6; university expansion in, 537

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 210, 218–20

British Gazette, 219

Britten, Benjamin, 513

Brockman, John, 5; Third Culture, 761

Broglie, Louis de, 260

Bronowski, Jacob, 338

Bronte, Charlotte, 277

Brook, Peter, 640–43, 717

Brooke, Rupert, 145, 152–3, 155, 157, 227, 290; ‘Futility’, 155; ‘The Soldier’, 153

Brooks, Van Wyck, 347

Brown v Board of Education of Topeka (US law case), 391, 522

Brown, J. A. C., 140

Brown, Norman, 596

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 276–7

Bruce, Steve, 600

Brücher, Heinz, 309, 311

Bruhn, Erik, 663

Bryan, William Jennings, 207

Bryce, James, 112

Buber, Martin, 436

Buber-Neumann, Margarete, 413

Büchner, George, 230

Buckland, Richard, 682–3

Budapest, 180–3

Buffet, Bernard, 414

Bullard, Sir Edward Crisp, 554

Bullitt, William, 306

Bullock, Alan, 240

Bülow, Hans von, 356

Bultmann, Rudolf, 576–7

Buñuel, Luis, 409

Burgess Shale (British Columbia), 697

Burke, Bernard, 569

Burnell, Jocelyn, 572

Burnham, Daniel, 80

Burnham, James: The Managerial Revolution, 472

Burroughs Wellcome (company), 660

Burroughs, William, Jr, 454–5; The Naked Lunch, 429

Burt, Cyril, 500

Bury, J. B.: The Idea of Progress, 245–6

Bush, Vannevar, 396–7, 737

Butler, E. M., 227

Butler, Richard Austen, 386

Butterfield, Herbert: The Whig Interpretation of History, 254

Cabinet of Dr Caligari, The (film), 221–2

Cage, John, 623–4, 758; 4′33”, Musiccircus, 512–15 Cahiers du cinéma (periodical), 636–7

Caird, Edward, 384

Cairns-Smith, A. G.: Seven Clues to the Origin of Life, 684

Calabi, Eugenio, 744

Calder, Alexander, 624

California Institute of Technology (Caltech), 303

Cambridge University, 99–100; see also

Cavendish Laboratory

Cambridge University Press, 102

Camoin, Charles, 60

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 537

Campbell, Roy, 99

Campendonck, Heinrich, 302, 350

Camus, Albert, 409, 412–15; The Plague, 415

Canaris, Admiral Wilhelm, 315

Cann, Rebecca, 689–90

Cannon, Cornelia, 206

Carava, Spain, 687

Carnap, Rudolf, 235, 270, 306, 379, 669

Carnarvon, George Herbert, 5th Earl of, 247–8

Carothers, J. C., 527

Carothers, Wallace Hume, 344

Carr, Edward Hallett, 379

Carson, Rachel, 581–3; Silent Spring, 581–2

Carter, Howard, 247–8

Carter, Jimmy, 586

Casablanca (film), 584

Casals, Pablo, 354

Casement, Sir Roger, 51

Cassady, Neal, 456

Cassirer, Ernst, 161, 223

Cassirer, Paul, 127

Cassou, Jean, 336

Castorp, Hans (fictional figure), 228–9

Castro, Fidel, 517

Catto, Thomas, Ist Baron, 388

Cavalli-Sforza, Luca, 690–1

Cavan, Ruth Shonle: Suicide, 282

Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, England, 20, 256–7, 478–9, 507

Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 409

Centers for Disease Control (CDC; USA), 658

Centre Internationale de Créations Théâtricales, Paris, 640

Cerf, Vint, 737–8

CERN, near Geneva, 739, 757

Cervantes, Miguel de, 234

Césaire, Aimé, 460

Cézanne, Paul, 58, 61–3, 80, 127, 175

Chabrol, Claude, 637

Chadwick, Hector Munro, 338

Chadwick, James, 90–1, 98, 256–7, 261–4, 393. 399

Chadwick, Owen: The Secularisation of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century, 604–5

Chagall, Marc, 164–5, 354

Chain, Ernst, 367–8

Chalmers, David, 701

Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 43, 295

Chamberlain, Neville, 367

Chandler, Raymond, 584

Chanel, Coco, 414

Chapayev (film), 330

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 721, 723

Chaplin, Charlie, 6, 142

Charcot, Jean-Martin, 13

Chatwin, Bruce, 663

Chayanov, Alexander, 324

Chekhov, Anton, 104

Chesterton, G. K., 339

Chevalier, Maurice, 413

Chicago: skyscrapers, 80–2; sociology in, 282; University of, 75, 281

Chicxulub (crater), 688

China: becomes republic, 178; Cultural Revolution in, 539–40; modernisation, 69–71, 178–80; revolt against foreign concessions in, 178; universities, 73, 178–9; see also

Confucianism in Index of Ideas and Subjects

Chirac, Jacques, 621

Chirico, Giorgio de, 163, 203–4, 622

Chomsky, Noam, 538, 592, 629, 695, 703, 756; Language and Problems of Knowledge, 756; Syntactic Structures, 497–8, 500

Christie, Agatha, 337

Churchill, (Sir) Winston S., 219, 340, 367, 384, 386, 388, 400, 428; ‘iron curtain’ speech, 474

Citizen Kane (film), 348–9, 638

Citroen, Paul, 350

City Lights (bookstore), 455

Ciurlionis, Makalohus-Konstantinas, 63

Clair, René, 326

Clark, James Freeman, 726

Clark, John Pepper, 713

Clark, Ronald, 141, 152

Clausius, Rudolf, 21–2

Cleaver, Eldridge, 528

Clemenceau, Georges, 174–7, 273

Clinton, William Jefferson, 730

Clovis, New Mexico, 555

Club of Rome: Limits to Growth (report), 583

Cockroft, Sir John, 365, 396

Cocteau, Jean, 129, 157, 203, 637

Coffman, Donald, 344

Cohen, Stanley, 614–15

Cohn, Julia, 331

Cole, G. D. H., 340

Coleman, James: Equality of Educational Opportunity, 533

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 277

Collini, Stefan, 470

Collins, Michael, 568

Columbia University, New York, 115–16, 439, 455, 733

Commager, Henry Steele, 452–3, 456, 467; American Mind, 453; Was America a Mistake?, 538

Comte, Auguste, 245

Condorcet, Marie Jean de, 245

Congar, Yves, 579

Congress for Cultural Freedom, Milan (1955). 447

Connelly, Marc, 217

Connes, Alain, 746

Connolly, Cyril, 285

Connor, Eugene (‘Bull’), 523

Connor, John, 383

Conquest, Robert, 316; The Great Terror, 482; New Lines, 464

Conrad, Joseph, 99, 182, 234, 245, 714, 768; Heart of Darkness, 48–51

Coolidge, Calvin, 208

Cooper, David, 502

Cooper, Lane, 726

Copenhagen: Institute of Theoretical Physics, 256–8

Corner, George Washington, 426

Cornford, Frances, 152

Cornwell, John, 701

Cottingham, E. T., 184–5

Courant, Richard, 352, 362

Cowell, Henry, 513

Crane, Diana: Transformation of the Avant-Garde, 511

Crete: Arthur Evans in, 15–17

Crick, Francis, 375, 478–81, 614, 703; The Astonishing Hypothesis, 700–1

Cro-Magnon, France, 370–1

Croce, Benedetto, 65

Crosland, Alan, 326

Crosland, Anthony, 447

Crossman, Richard, 447

Crystal, David: English as a Global Language, 705

Cuba: missile crisis (1962), 445, 517, 566

Cullen, Countee, 216

‘Culture, Ideas, Values’ (CIV) university course (Stanford), 731

Cunard, Nancy, 416

Cunliffe, Marcus, 704, 717

Cunningham, Merce, 510, 512–15

d’Abernon, Edgar Vincent, Viscount, 229

Dachau, 311

Daily Mail (London), 339

Dal Co, Francesco, 622

Dale, Henry, 473

Dalí, Salvador, 204, 307

Dalton, Hugh, 384

Dalton, John, 2, 20

Dameshek, William, 660

Darlington, C. D., 319, 321

Darrow, Clarence, 207

Dart, Raymond, 371

Darwin, Charles: attacked by Catholic Church, 67; Conrad and, 48; cynicism, 759; Dennett idealises, 3, 694; effect on American life, 453; effect on religious thinking, 53, 188; Freud follows, 13; Hofmannsthal and, 30; influence on Hitler, 242; influence on playwrights, 346; Marx admires, 474; Mendel and, 18; Nietzsche and, 40; Picasso and, 60–1; revolutionary idea, 13; and Scopes trial (Tennessee), 207; Skinner and, 496; universality, 756; On the Origin of Species, 40, 65, 122, 246, 371–2

Darwin, Major Leonard, 113

Davenport, Charles B., 113

Davidson, Basil: Old Africa Rediscovered, 462, 556–7, 713

Davie, Donald, 464

Davies, Arthur, 126–7

Davis, Marion, 348

Davis, Natalie Zemon, 736

Davis, Sammy, Jr, 523

Davis, Stuart, 86

Dawkins, Richard, 616–17, 692–3, 696; The Blind Watchmaker, 693; The Selfish Gene, 619–20, 651, 693

Day Lewis, Cecil, 332, 334

Debord, Guy: Society of the Spectacle, 547–8

Debussy, Claude, 23, 56, 58–9, 130–1, 142

Dedalus, Stephen (fictional character), 194–5

de Forest, Lee, 477

Degas, Edgar: sale of paintings (1917), 175

Degenerate Art (and Music) exhibitions see Entartete Kunst (and Musik) de Kooning, Willem, 355, 511–12

Delaunay, Robert, 63, 129

de Man, Paul, 730, 735

Denby, David: Great Books, 733–4

Denby, Edward, 354

Denmark see Copenhagen

Dennett, Daniel, 3, 616, 692, 696, 701, 703; Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, 694

Derain, André, 60, 62, 144, 409

Derrida, Jacques, 627, 630–1, 633, 637, 708, 735

Desai, Anita, 715, 762; The Village by the Sea, 709

Deutsch, Helene, 505

Deutsche Hochschule für Politik, 223, 226

de Valera, Eamon, 373

Devine, George, 463

Dewey, John, 41, 77–8, 281–2, 670, 672

Diaghilev, Serge, 130–1, 164, 199, 357

Diamond, Jared: Guns, Germs and Steel, 752–3, 755

Dichter, Ernest, 446

Dicke, Robert, 570

Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes, 174

Diederichs, Eugen, 240

Dietrich, Marlene, 221

Dillingham Commission (USA, 1910), 116

Diop, C. A.: The African Origin of Civilisation, 729

Dior, Christian, 414

Dirac, Paul, 258, 373, 508

Dix, Otto, 157, 163, 300, 302, 351

Dobb, Maurice: Studies in the Development of Capitalism, 561

Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 371, 372

Dodge, Mabel, 126–7, 142

Dollimore, Jonathan and Alan Sinfield: Political Shakespeare, 716–17

Dongen, Kees van, 409

Doniol-Valcroze, Jacques, 636

Donleavy, J.P.: The Ginger Man, 429

Doppler, Christian, 265

Dos Passos, John, 334, 347

Douglas, J. W. B.: All Our Future, 534

Douglas-Hamilton, Ian, 611–12

Douglass, Andrew Ellicott, 252–3

Dove, Arthur, 63

Dreiser, Theodore, 285, 334, 453; Financier, 209

Dresden, 52, 54

Dreyfus, Alfred, 24, 45, 327

d’Souza, Dinesh: Illiberal Education, 730–32

Dublin, 194

Duboar, King of Benin, 49

Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 109–12, 121, 124, 215–16, 283, 654; Souls of Black Folk, 110

Dubos, René, 583

Dubuffet, Jean, 414

Duchamp, Marcel, 128, 162, 512, 514; Nude Descending a Staircase, 128

Dudley, John, 398

Dulbecco, Renato, 700

Duncan, Isadora, 24

Dunn, Linwood, 348

Dunoyer de Segonzac, André, 409

Du Pont Company, 343

Duras, Marguerite, 638

Durkheim, Emile, 65, 599

Dutschke, Rudi, 536

Dworkin, Andrea, 531–2

Dworkin, Ronald: Taking Rights Seriously, 644–5, 650–1, 656

Dylan, Bob, 523, 584

Dyson, Sir Frank, 184–5

Eagleton, Terry, 716

Eastman, Max, 347

Eckart, Dietrich, 173

Eckhart, Meister, 296

École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 407, 627

Eddington, Sir Arthur, 183–5, 256, 264, 302

Edelman, Gerald, 701

Edison, Thomas, 87

Egypt: universities, 73; see also Valley of the Kings

Ehrenburg, Ilya, 334

Ehrenfels, Christian von, 31–2

Ehrlich, Paul, 105–7, 113

Ehrman, Claudia, 663

Eichmann, Adolf, 6, 504–5

Einstein, Albert: attends Pauling lecture, 268; Bohr follows, 142, 261; and Cézanne, 61–2, 63; denounced in Germany, 232; and development of nuclear fission, 396; Eddington and, 183–5; Mach influences, 37; ostracised in First World War, 145; and quantum theory, 23, 93, 261; relativity theories, 93–6, 132–4, 183–5, 274, 571, 744

Eisenstein, Serge, 327–8, 330

Eisler, Hanns, 313

Ekwensi, Cyprian, 713; People of the City, 460

Eldredge, Niles, 692, 696, 750

Eli Lilly (pharmaceutical company), 616

Eliot, Charles Williams, 74, 726

Eliot, T. S.: Aldous Huxley meets, 297; on ancient myth, 193, 208; on Bergsonism, 67; in Bertrand Russell circle, 99; on culture and society, 450–3, 456, 462, 464, 466–7, 634, 706; love of classical world, 246; Nietzsche influences, 39; on ‘no going back’, 767; Nobel Prize, 450; rejects Auden poems, 333; rejects Orwell’s Animal Farm, 387; and sex in modern world, 199; Sinclair Lewis and, 208–9; on Ulysses, 195; and Virginia Woolf, 201; Ash Wednesday, 751–2; Notes towards a Definition of Culture, 450–1, 723; The Waste Land, 186, 188–91, 195, 450, 458, 751–2

Eliot, Vivien (née Haigh-Wood), 188

Ellington, Duke, 216

Ellis, Henry Havelock, 279, 423, 597

Ellison, Ralph, 391, 460, 462; Invisible Man, 458

Elman, Mischa, 356

Eltanin (US ship), 553, 555

Eluard, Paul, 203, 334, 336; Les nécessités de la vie et les conséquences des rêves, 164, 203

Emilio, John d’ and Estelle Freedman: Sexuality in America, 424

Empson, William, 338, 464

Engelmann, Paul, 159

Engels, Friedrich, 42

English Stage Company, 463

Enola Gay (airplane), 13

Enright, D.J., 464

Entartete Kunst (Degenerate Art)

exhibition (1937), 305, 312–13, 350

Entartete Musik (Degenerate Music)

exhibition (1937), 313

Erickson, Milton, 664

Erikson, Erik, 277, 506

Ernst, Max, 162, 203–4, 313, 350, 354; Two Children Threatened by a Nightingale, 203

Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California, 599

Essenes (sect), 574

Evans, (Sir) Arthur, 15–17, 119

Evans, Hiram W, 207–8

Evans, Sir John, 15

Evernden, Jack, 487

Explorer (US space vehicle), 484

Fackel, Die (periodical), 192

Fairbanks, John, 71, 179

Falk, O. T. and Partners, 270

Falla, Manuel de, 130

Fanon, Frantz, 411, 414, 460, 526–8, 762; The Wretched of the Earth, 520–7

Farben, I. G. (chemical group), 343

Farber, Leslie, 427

Faubus, Orville, 459

Faulkner, William, 283–4; Absalom! Absalom!, 284

Fauset, Jessie, 216

Febvre, Lucien, 557–9

Federn, Paul, 15

Feigl, Herbert, 306, 379

Feininger, Lyonel, 302, 313, 355

Feldstein, Martin, 648

Fenichel, Otto, 223, 274, 505

Ferber, Edna, 217

Ferenczi, Sandor, 664

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 455

Fermi, Enrico, 393–4, 398, 507

Fessenden, Reginald, 210

Feuchtwanger, Lion, 231, 354, 356

Feyerabend, Paul Karl, 679

Feynman, Richard, 741

Fichte, Johann, 74

Finland: universities, 73

Firth, Raymond, 376

Fischer, Eugen, 310

Fish, Stanley, 716, 721, 723, 731–32, 735

Fisher, R. A., 699

Fiske, William, 41

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 215; The Great Gatsby, 197–9

Flaubert, Gustave, 234, 714

Fleischmann, Raoul, 217

Fleming, Sir Alexander, 367–8

Flemming, Walther, 114

Flexner, Abraham, 303, 305

Fliess, Wilhelm, 142

Florensky, Pavel, 324

Florey, Howard Walter, Baron, 367–8

Fokine, Mikhail, 358

Fontenelle, Bernard de, 245

Ford, Henry, 6, 142

Förster, Bernard, 39–40

Forster, E. M., 174

Förster-Nietzsche, Elisabeth, 39–40, 173

Fortes, Meyer, 277

Fortune, Reo, 281

Fossey, Dian, 608; Gorillas in the Mist, 610–11

Foster, Norman, 622

Foucault, Michel, 39, 627–31, 633–4, 663

Fournier, Alfred, 104

Fox, William, 87

Fraeckel-Conrat, Heinz, 749

France: in First World War, 145; intellectuals in, 411–12, 625–34, 743–4; and Treaty of Versailles, 173–7; universities in, 627

Franco, General Francisco, 336

Frank, Karl see Hagen, Paul

Frank, Philipp, 235

Frankfurt School, 225–6, 305–6, 331, 502

Frankfurter, Felix, 400

Franklin, Rosalind, 479–81

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austro-Hungary, 144–5

Frazer, Sir James, 30, 61, 116, 223; The Golden Bough, 60, 68, 141, 88

Frazier, E. Franklin: The Negro Family in the United States, 390

Freed, Alan, 457

Freeman, Derek: Margaret Mead and the Samoa, 665

Frege, Gottlob, 100–1, 112, 271, 352; Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, 158 French Connection, The (film), 625

Frenkel, Naftaly Aronovich, 543

Frenkel-Brunswik, Else, 306

Freud, Anna, 307

Freud, Jakob (Sigmund’s father), 14, 112

Freud, Sigmund: on alienation, 53; Ardrey criticises, 607; attacked and questioned, 493–4, 498, 665; attitude to religion, 141; belief in instincts, 56; breach with Jung, 139–42; Breton influenced by, 202–3; character and manner, 11; Conrad rejects, 51; and dreams, 229; on ego and id, 135–6; and First World War, 150; French interest in, 634; Harold Bloom on, 724; Horney criticises, 275; influence, 61, 138, 140; Ionesco and, 419; late translation into French, 137; and Marx, 502–3, 632; Masson attacks, 663–4; modernist reliance on, 759–61; moves to London and dies, 306–7; on Nordau, 43; psychoanalytical failure, 761; on ‘rabble’, 44; resistance to, 58; sabotages reason, 188; and Schnitzler, 28, 55; stays in post-1919 Vienna, 180; suffers cancer of mouth, 273; on superego, 297–8; Teilhard de Chardin and, 578; theories, 13, 19–20, 27, 30, 34, 56; on ‘underworlds’, 25; university education, 74; and Wagner-Jauregg, 152; and Wolf Man, 144; Civilisation and its Discontents, 7, 273–4, 297, 437; The Future of an Illusion, 273; The Interpretation of Dreams, 11–14, 51, 135, 761; Moses and Monotheism, 307; The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, 150; Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, 106; Totem and Taboo, 135, 141–2, 273; see also unconscious, the

Freud, Sophie, 180

Freundlich, Otto, 350

Frick, Henry Clay, 119

Frick, Wilhelm, 273

Friedan, Betty: The Feminine Mystique, 430–1, 432, 529

Friedkin, William, 625

Friedman, Milton, 282, 523, 544, 645–8, 650–1, 656, 767; Capitalism and Freedom, 519–20; Free to Choose (with Rose Friedman), 646–7

Friedman, Rose, 645–7, 650–1

Friedmann, Alexander, 264, 266

Frisch, Karl von, 304, 606

Frisch, Otto, 258, 392–3, 395–6

Fröbel, Friedrich, 78

Fromm, Erich, 275, 305, 308, 354, 376, 432, 436–8, 503, 505; The Sane Society, 437

Frosch, Paul, 20

Frost, Robert, 495, 542; A Boy’s Will, 126

Fry, Roger, 127, 201

Fry, Varian, 353–4, 357

Fu Sinian, 179

Fuad, Prince Ahmad, 73

Fuchs, Klaus, 482, 507

Fuentes, Carlos, 706, 708

Fukuyama, Francis: The End of History and the Last Man, 754–5, 759, 761

Fuld, Caroline, 303

Furtwängler, Wilhelm, 356

Fussell, Paul, 6; The Great War in Modem Memory, 145–6, 156

Gabo, Naum, 164

Gagarin, Yuri, 484, 566

Gaitskell, Hugh, 447

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 447, 454, 649, 652, 655, 704, 761; The Affluent Society, 441–3, 445–7; The Culture of Contentment, 652–4; The Good Society, 652, 654; The New Industrial State, 590–2, 605

Gallo, Robert, 660

Gallup, George Horace, 333, 432

Galsworthy, John, 51

Galton, Francis, 44

Gamow, George, 508, 569–70

Gance, Abel, 157

Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma), 273

García Lorca, Federico, 335, 409

García Márquez, Gabriel, see Márquez, Gabriel García

Garet, Jedd, 512

Garvey, Marcus, 216

Gates, Bill, 605

Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri, 144

Gauguin, Paul, 58–9, 127, 181

Gay, John: The Beggar’s Opera, 231

Gay, Peter, 221, 226

Geertz, Clifford, 674–6, 679, 714; The Interpretation of Cultures, 674; Local Knowledge, 675–6

Geiger, Hans, 262

Gein, Ed, 490

Geli-Mann, Murray, 509, 569, 747

Gellhorn, Martha, 409

Gellner, Ernest: The Psychoanalytic Movement, 664–5

Genentech (company), 605, 616

Genet, Jean, 414–16, 418, 531

George, Stefan, 57, 64, 172, 226–7, 241

Germany: anti-Semitism in, 295–6, 355–6, 394, 436; dominance in ideas, 26; in First World War, 145; Nazi art in, 311–12; persecution of arts and sciences in, 300–9, 312–13, 753; pre-and post-First War conditions, 172–3; refugees flee to USA and London, 303–6, 350; religious persecution in, 314–15; rise of Nazism in, 240, 294–6, 300, 304, 314; in Second World War, 361; and Treaty of Versailles, 173–6; universities, 74; see also Weimar Republic; individual places and institutions

Gérôme, Jean-Léon: Snake Charmer, 714

Gertler, Mark, 297

Gestapo, 300–1, 307, 315

Geva, Tamara, 359

Giacometti, Alberto, 414

Gide, André, 138, 200, 354, 409; The Counterfeiters, 200–1; Journals, 413

Gielgud, John, 640

Gilbert, Stuart, 194?

Gilbert, Walter, 615

Gilgamesh, 250

Gill, Brendan, 423

Gilpin, Charles, 216

Gingrich, Newt, 730

Ginsberg, Allen: Howl, 429, 454–6

Ginsberg, Morris, 306

Giraudoux, Hippolyte Jean, 412

Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 621, 623

Glackens, William, 86

Glazer, Nathan, 447, 704; Beyond the Melting Pot (with Patrick Moynihan), 532

Gleick, James: Chaos, 747

Glenn, John, 566

Gobineau, Arthur de, 42, 242, 243

Godard, Jean-Luc, 637, 639

Goddard, H. H., 148–9

Gödel, Kurt, 235, 270–1, 306, 352, 362–3, 668

Goebbels, Joseph, 300–1, 309, 313, 328–9, 331, 356

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 54–5

Gold, Harvey, 482

Gold, Thomas, 508

Golding, William: Lord of the Flies, 642

Goldstein, Al, 529

Gollancz, Victor, 286–7, 387

Gombrich, Ernst, 183

Gomperz, Theodor, 30

Goncharova, Natalya, 164–5

Goodall, Jane, 608–10; In the Shallow of Man, 609

Goodman, Paul, 596

Goodwin, Brian: How the Leopard Changed Its Spots, 748

Gorer, Geoffrey, 277

Göring, Hermann, 297

Gorky, Arshile, 510

Gorky, Maxim, 318, 321–3

Gorlova, Zinaïda, 43

Göttingen, 259

Gottlieb, Michael, 657–8

Gottschaldt, Kurt, 310

Gould, Stephen Jay, 616, 692, 696–9, 750; The Spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian Paradigm (with R. Lewontin), The Mismeasure of Man, 696; Wonderful Life, 697

Graham, Martha, 510, 513, 515

Grant, Madison, 390

Grasset, Bernard, 409

Graves, Robert, 153, 464

Great Train Robbery, The (film), 86–7

Great Zimbabwe, 556

Greco, Juliette, 412

Greenberg, Clement, 511

Greenberg, Joseph: Language in the Americas, 690–1

Greene, Brian: The Elegant Universe, 744

Greene, Graham, 343

Greene, Michael, 745–6

Greenglass, David, 482

Greenwood, Arthur, 384

Greer, Germaine: The Female Eunuch, 530

Grenfell, Julian, 145

Gribbin, John, 96

Grierson, John, 327

Griffith, D. W. (David Wark), 87–9

Griffith, Paul, 624

Grillparzer, Franz, 158

Gropius, Walter, 221–4, 304–5, 331, 622

Gross, Otto, 136

Grosz, George, 163, 221, 230–1, 300; Republican Automatons, 163

Grote, George, 729

Groves, Leslie, 397

Grundig, Hans, 301

Guber, Boris, 324

Guenther, H. F. K., 296

Guernica, 336

Guggenheim, Peggy, 510

Guitry, Sacha, 409

Gunn, Thom, 464

Gurdjieff, George Ivanovich, 642

Gurney, Ivor, 153

Guth, Alan, 741

Guzzardi, Peter, 739–40

Haakon, Paul, 359

Habermas, Jürgen, 32, 633–4, 671

Hacker, Andrew: Two Nations, 654–5, 761

Hadar, Ethiopia, 612–13

Hadden, Briton, 211

Haeckel, Ernst, 41, 171, 581

Hagen, Paul (or Karl Frank), 353

Hahn, Otto, 394–6

Haig, General Douglas (later 1st Earl), 145–6

Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, 612

Haidane, J. B. S., 473

Haley, Bill, 457

Hall, G. Stanley, 78, 278

Halston (fashion designer), 663

Halverson, H. M., 494

Hankey, Maurice, 1st Baron, 365

Hannaford, Ivan, 391

Harding, Warren, 208

Hardy, George, 362

Harford, James, 482–3

Haring, Keith, 663

Harkness, Edward, 119

Harlem, New York, 215–16

Harrington, Michael: The Other America, 520–2, 656

Harris, Judith Rich: The Nurture Assumption, 759

Hartmann, Heinz, 235

Harvard University, 74–6, 78, 732; Graduate School of Business Studies, 78–9

Harvey, David: The Condition of Postmodernity, 679–81

Harvey, William, 147

Hata, Sachachiro, 105–6

Hauptmann, Elisabeth, 231

Hauptmann, Gerhart, 227, 231

Hauser, Arnold, 27, 181, 376

Hausmann, Raoul, 163

Haussman, Baron Georges-Eugène, 52

Hawking, Stephen, 739–43; A Brief History of Time, 739

Hayek, Friedrich von, 183, 381, 386–7. 544, 549, 551, 645, 656, 665; The Constitution of Liberty, 517–18, 520; The Road to Serfdom, 378–9, 517

Hayman, Ronald, 135, 232

Haynes, C. Vance, 555

Hearst, William Randolph, 348–9

Heartfield, John, 163, 300, 350–1

Heatley, N. G., 367–8

Heckel, Erich, 55, 163

Hefner, Hugh, 529

Hegel, G. W. F., 235, 242, 380, 408, 754

Heidegger, Martin: background and ideas, 233–4; in continental school of philosophy, 32; Hannah Arendt studies with, 307–9, 502; influence on Bonhoeffer, 314; Kafka and, 239; Karl Mannheim attends lectures, 376; Marcuse studies under, 502; Nietzsche influences, 39; and religious thinkers, 575–6; Rilke anticipates, 228; Sartre influenced by, 408, 410; on submitting, 752; Being and Time, 233–4, 308–9

Heiden, Konrad, 354

Heinkel, Ernst, 269

Heisenberg, Werner, 258–61, 267, 270–1, 373, 397, 668

Heider, Walter, 267–8, 373

Helmer, Olaf, 306

Hemingway, Ernest, 215, 285, 286, 334–5, 339. 409, 704, 715; For Whom the Bell Tolls, 335

Hempel, Cari, 306

Henderson, Fletcher, 216

Henking, H., 114

Hennings, Emmy, 161

Henri, Robert, 85–6

Herrnstein, Richard J. (and Charles

Murray): The Bell Curve, 698–700

Hertz, Heinrich, 21, 210, 366

Herzl, Theodor, 28, 44–5, 56

Hilbert, David, 24, 260, 270–1, 352

Hildebrand, Alan, 687–8

Hill, Andrew, 613

Hill, Christopher, 467, 561–2; Puritanism and Revolution, 561; The World Turned Upside Down, 603–5

Hill, Thomas: Most Pleasaunte Art of the Interpretation of Dreames, 602

Hiller, E. T.: The Strike, 282

Hilton, Rodney, 467, 561–2

Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 735–6

Himmler, Heinrich, 295, 307, 309, 311, 315, 581

Hindemith, Paul, 55?, 131, 222, 231–2, 313, 351, 356

Hiroshima, 387, 401, 729

Hiroshima mon amour (film), 638

Hirschmann, Eduard, 15

Hirt, August, 311

Hitchcock, Alfred, 490–1

Hite, Shere, 531–2

Hitler, Adolf: anti-Semitism, 242–3, 307; assassination attempt on, 315; at art school in Vienna, 43; becomes Chancellor, 300; effect on German culture, 753; and German individuality, 294; ideology, 240–4, 295; love of classical world, 246; makes will, 311; Musil disparages, 236; and Olympic Games (1936), 329; orders death of Bonhoeffer, 315; personal effect, 4; in prison, 239; rise to power, 173, 176, 222; and Rosenberg’s Mythus, 295–7; schooling with Wittgenstein, 158; sees Strauss’s Salome, 54; and socialist uprising (1918), 163; and suppression of art, 295, 301–2; taste in art, 311–13; Mein Kampf, 240–3, 311

Hobhouse, Arthur, 174

Hobsbawm, Eric, 285, 467; Primitive Rebels, 561

Höch, Anna, 163

Hoffmann, Eric Achille, 104

Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 28–30, 32–3, 36–7, 44, 55, 59, 136, 180, 192, 227–8, 274, 330, 415; Idyll on an Ancient Vase Painting, 29

Hofstadter, Richard, 79, 85, 704, 757; Anti-lntellectualism in American Life, 207, 704

Hoggart, Richard: The Uses of Literacy, 465–6

Holborn, Haajo, 223

Hölderlin, Friedrich, 233

Holloway, Christopher, 464

Hollywood, 326–7, 357, 636

Hook, Sidney, 235, 447

Hoover, Herbert, 646

Hope, Francis, 152

Hopper, Edward, 86

Horgan, John: The End of Science, 755–7. 766

Horkheimer, Max, 225, 305–6, 357, 376, 502

Horne, Lena, 523

Horney, Karen, 223, 274, 306, 505; The Neurotic Personality of Our Time, 275–6

Horowitz, Irving Louis, 761; The Decomposition of Sociology, 764–5

House of German Art, Munich, 311, 313

Houtermans, Fritz, 400

Howard, Ebenezer, 521, 581

Howe, Irving, 439, 447, 761

Howells, Dean: Rise of Silas Lapham, 209

Hoyer, Hermann, 312

Hoyle, Fred, 508

Hubble, Edwin, 265–7, 346, 508, 569, 752, 756

Hubble, Grace, 266

Hudson, Rock, 66

Hughes, Langston, 215–16

Hughes, Robert, 61, 167, 204, 336, 512

Hughes, Ted, 608, 641

Hulme, T. E., 66

Hülsenbeck, Richard, 161, 163

Hume, David, 678

Hungary, 181–2; 1956 revolt in, 537; see also Austro-Hungarian Empire

Hunter, George William: Civic Biology, 207

Huntington, Samuel: The Clash of Civilisations and the Remaking of World Order, 767 Hurok, Sol, 348

Husserl, Edmund, 31–3, 35–7, 65–6, 75. 87. 90, 233–4, 237, 309, 408, 502; Logical Investigations, 31

Hutchinson, George, 217n

Huxley, Aldous, 99, 266; Brave New World, 297–9; The Doors of Perception, 597

Huxley, Julian, 340, 371, 372, 577

Huxley, Thomas Henry, 74, 372

Ibsen, Henrik, 171

Ijimere, Obotunde, 713

Illich, Ivan: Deschooling Society, 535–6

Immaterial, The exhibition (Paris 1985), 681

Incas, 118–21

India: cultural crisis, 762–3; fiction of, 709–12; universities, 73

Inge, William Ralph, Dean of St Paul’s, 290–1, 575, 767; God and the Astronomers, 290

Institute of Red Professors, 317, 317–18

International Centre of Genetic Epistemology, Geneva, 500

International Congress of Modern Architecture (CIAM), 331

International Monetary Fund, 389

Ionesco, Eugène, 412, 414, 418–20, 757

Iran: universities, 73

IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et de Co-ordination Acoustique/Musique; ‘Petit Beaubourg’), 621, 623–4

Isherwood, Christopher, 297, 332

Israel: in Yom Kippur War (1973). 589

J’accuse (film), 157

Jackson, Mahalia, 523

Jacob, Max, 129

Jacobs, Jane: The Death and Life of Great American Cities, 520–2, 581, 622, 680, 761

Jacobson, Roman, 353

Jacoby, Russell: The Last Intellectuals, 761

James, Henry, 75

James, William, 41, 65, 67, 74–8, 90, 110, 306, 550, 597, 770; Pragmatism, 75; Varieties of Religious Experience, 770

Jameson, Fredrick: The Political Unconscious, 715–16

Janco, Marcel, 161

Janowitz, Hans, 222

Jansky, Jan, 147

Japan: atom-bombed (1945). 401–2; culture and psychology analysed, 402–4; gains concessions in China, 178; modernisation, 70–1; universities, 73

Jarry, Alfred, 163; Ubu Roi, 23

Jaspers, Karl, 308–9

Jawlensky, Aleksey, 64, 161

Jazz Singer, The (film), 326

Jefferson, Thomas, 112

Jeffreys, Alec, 682–3

Jencks, Christopher: Inequality, 534–5, 700

Jenney, William Le Barron, 81

Jennings, Elizabeth, 464

Jensen, Arthur, 526, 534

Jesus Christ, 574–5, 578

Jewish Colonial Trust, 45

Jews: achievements, 244; Bergson retains faith, 67; and Eichmann trial, 504–5; in France, 630; Freud on, 307; and honour, 44–5; repression in and emigration from Nazi Germany, 67, 243. 302, 309. 327, 352–7, 394. 435. 606; in Vienna, 28, 56; and Zionism, 45;, see also anti-Semitism in Index of Ideas and Subjects

Jiang Qing, 539–40

Joachim, Johann, 54

Johanson, Don, 612–14, 688

John XXIII, Pope: Mater et Magistra (encyclical), 579; Pacem in Terris (encyclical), 580

John, Augustus, 99

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 74

Johns, Jasper, 511–12, 514

Johnson, Alvin, 353–4

Johnson, Charles, 215; The Negro in American Civilisation, 282–3, 654

Johnson, James Weldon, 110

Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 516, 519, 522–3, 525, 533, 536, 566, 581

Johnson, Philip, 332, 621–2

Johnson, Virginia, 426–7, 429, 529; see also Masters, William Howell

Joliot, Frédéric, 262, 393, 396

Joliot-Curie, Irène, 262–3, 393. 396

Jolson, Al, 326

Jones, Ernest, 306–7

Jones, James: From Here to Eternity, 584

Jones, R. V., 365

Jones, Sir William, 690, 708

Joplin, Scott, 112, 216

Journal of Educational Psychology, 499

Joyce, James: on ancient myth, 208; and Beckett, 416; on ‘big words’, 1; love of classical world, 246; meets Proust, 199; and Musil, 236–7; Ulysses, 161, 186, 189, 193–5, 215

Judd, Neil, 253

Jung, Cari Gustav, 12, 15, 139–42, 419, 494, 500, 578, 664, 761; Modern Man in Search of a Soul, 274; Psychology of the Unconscious, 135; Symbols of Transformation, 140; see also unconscious, the

Kadushin, Charles, 592

Kafka, Franz, 104, 183, 237–9, 417, 503, 759; The Castle, 238–9; ‘Metamorphosis’, 238; The Trial, 238–9

Kahnweiler, Daniel Henry, 62, 144

Kaiser Wilhelm Institut for Anthropology and Human Genetics (KWI), 309–10

Kaluza, Theodor, 744

Kamin, Leon J., 697

Kandinsky, Wassily, 55–6, 64–5, 165, 221, 305, 355

Kant, Immanuel, 37, 68, 74

Kantorowicz, Ernst, 226

Kapitza, Peter, 263–4, 541

Karsavina, Tamara, 130

Kästner, Erich, 229

Katayev, Ivan, 324

Katkow, Janet, 663

Kattwinkel, Wilhelm, 485

Kauffman, Stuart: The Origins of Order, 694. 748

Kazin, Alfred: On Native Grounds, 347–9. 726

Kelly, Ian, 683

Kelvin, William Thomson, Baron, 124

Kendrew, John, 481

Kennedy, Andrew, 416

Kennedy, Edward, 216

Kennedy, John F., 516–17, 519–20, 566–7, 583

Kennedy, Michael, 54–5

Kennedy, Robert, 536

Kent, Rockwell, 86

Kenyatta, Jomo, 485

Kenyon, F. G.: The Bible and Archaeology, 574

Keppel, Frederick, 390

Kermode, Frank: Sense of an Ending, 7 Kernan, Alvin: The Death of Literature, 757–8

Kerner report, 525

Kerouac, Jack (Jean-Louis Lebris de

Kerouac), 454; On the Road, 455–6

Kesey, Ken: One Flew ova the Cuckoo’s Nest, 584

Kessler, Leonard, 509–10

Key, Ellen: The Century of the Child, 77, 227

Keynes, John Maynard, Baron, 144, 159–60, 174–7, 340–2, 377–8, 384, 386–9, 629, 646; The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 174, 340; The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, 342

Khlebnikov, Velimir, 165, Khomeini, Ayatollah, 711

Khrushchev, Nikita S., 482, 516–17, 542

Kibberd, Declan, 194

Kierkegaard, Soren, 133, 770

Kill Devil Hill, North Carolina, 82

Kimball, Roger: Tenured Radicals, 731

King, Martin Luther, 523–4, 527–8, 533, 536

Kinsey, Alfred, 422, 426–7, 429, 432; Sexual Behaviour in the Human Female, 425; Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male, 423–5

Kinsey Institute, Bloomington, Indiana, 529

Kipling, Rudyard, 81

Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig, 55, 163, 301, 313, 351

Kirshans, Vladimir, 324

Kirstein, Lincoln, 357–8

Kissinger, Henry, 589

Kitasato Shibasaburo, Professor, 105–6

Kitchener, Field Marshal Horatio

Herbert, 1st Earl, 145

Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, 82, 84–5

Klee, Paul, 172, 300–2

Klein, Melanie, 223, 274–5

Klement, Richard see Eichmann, Adolf

Klemperer, Otto, 313, 354, 357

Klimt, Ernst, 35

Klimt, Gustav, 35–6, 56, 59, 136, 158; Philosophy, 36

Klineberg, Otto, 390

Klyuev, Nikolai, 317

Knight, Arthur, 326

Knopf, Alfred A., 216; and Blanche, 423

Knossos, Crete, 15–17

Koch, Kenneth, 512

Kodály, Zoltán, 181

Koestler, Arthur, 410

Kohler, Wolfgang, 360

Kojève, Alexandre, 408, 410, 625

Kokoschka, Oskar, 59, 145, 159, 227, 350, 355

Kollwitz, Käthe, 145, 300

Kol’tsov, Michael, 334

Kolyma, 315–16, 482

Kooning, Willem de see de Kooning, Willem

Kops, Bernard, 464

Korolev, Sergei Pavlovich, 482–4, 567

Krafft-Ebing, Baron Richard von, 14, 33–5, 53–4; Psychopathia sexualis, 33

Kramer, Peter: Listening to Prozac, 761

Kraus, Karl, 28, 35, 56, 180, 231; The Last Days of Mankind, 157, 192–3 Kravchenko, Victor: I Chose Freedom, 413

Kreisler, Fritz, 356

Kreutz, Johnny, 232

Kristol, Irving, 447, 704

Kropotkin, Prince Peter, 42

Krugman, Paul, 648–9; Peddling Prosperity, 652

Krupp, Alfred, 241

Ku Klux Klan, 207–8

Kubelik, Jan, 241

Kubizek, August, 243

Kubrick, Stanley, 584

Kuhn, Thomas, 668, 669, 670, 676; Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 488–9, 597, 618

Kuhn, Walt, 127–8

Kun, Béla, 234

Kupka, Frantiïek, 63

Laborit, Henri, 501

Lacan, Jacques, 408, 624, 625–7, 629–31, 634, 669; Ecrits, 626

Ladipo, Duro, 713

Ladurie, Emmanuel le Roy see le Roy

Ladurie, Emmanuel

Laetoli, Tanzania, 613

La Folette, Robert, 383

Laforgue, Jules, 128

Lagarde, Paul, 240

Laing, Ronald D., 502–3, 527, 626–7, 644; The Divided Self, 491

Lam, Wilfredo, 354

Lamb, Horace, 158

Lamb, Willis, 508

Landau, Lev, 258

Landes, David: Wealth and Poverty of Nations, 755, 764

Landesco, John: Organised Crime in Chicago, 282

Lane, Allen, 337–40

Lang, Fritz, 357

Langbehn, Julius, 240

Langevin, Paul, 132

Lanz von Liebenfels, George, 243

Lapouge, Count Georges Vacher de, 42, 44, 206

Larionov, Mikhail, 164

Larkin, John, 82

Larkin, Philip, 464–5; The Less Deceived, 464

La Rocca, Nick, 216

Lascaux, France, 369–70

Lasch, Christopher: The Culture of Narcissism, 599–601, 605, 620, 761

Laski, Harold, 306

Lasky, Melvin J., 447

Lasswell, Harold, 376

Last Year in Marienbad (film), 639

Laubenstein, Linda, 657

Lautréamont, comte (Isidore Ducasse), 409

Laval, Léon, 359

Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent, 489

Lawrence, D. H., 99, 142, 280, 297, 422, 531, 581, 759; Lady Chatterley’s Lover, 429; Sons and Lovers, 136–7

Lawrence, Ernest, 473, 507

Lawrence, Florence, 89

Lawrence, Frieda (née von Richthofen), 136

Lawrence, T. E., 249, 714

Lazersfeld, Paul, 439

League of Nations, 177

Leakey, Frieda, 486

Leakey, Louis, 484–7, 556, 607, 609, 612, 688

Leakey, Mary, 484–7, 607, 612–13–14, 688; Olduvai Gorge, 607

Leakey, Richard, 612

Leary, Timothy, 596–7

Leavis, F. R., 338, 451–2, 454, 464, 465–70, 489, 706, 723; The Common Pursuit, 452; The Great Tradition, 452

Leavis, Queenie D., 451; Fiction and the Reading Public, 338–40

Leavitt, Henrietta, 265

Lebanon: universities, 73

le Conte, Joseph, 43

Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret), 223–4, 331–2, 521, 622

le Duc, Violette, 421

Lee, Brenda, 457

Lefkowitz, Mary and Guy MacLean (eds): Black Athena Revisited, 728–9

Léger, Fernand, 355

Lehman, David: The Last Avant-Garde, 512

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, 99–100, 746

Leigh, Janet, 490–1

Lelevich, Klychkov, 324

Lemaître, Georges, 265–6, 508

Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VASKhNIL), 474

Lenin All-Union Academy of Sciences, 318

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 37, 165

Le Nôtre, André, 173

Lenz, Fritz, 310

Lenz, Max, 20

Leonov, L. M.: Russian Forest, 323

Leopold II, King of the Belgians, 51

Leopold III, King of the Belgians, 367

le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel, 627; Montaillou, 560; The Peasants of Languedoc, 557, 560

Levi-Civita, Tullio, 352

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 354, 421, 423, 461–2, 488, 627, 630, 675; De près et de loin, 2; Tristes Tropiques, 461

Levine, Lawrence: The Opening of the American Mind, 725–6

Levy, Julien, 510

Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien, 274

Lewinski, Robert, 361–2

Lewis, David Levering, 217n

Lewis, Sinclair, 186, 208–9, 212, 285, 347; Babbitt, 208–12, 215

Lewisohn, Richard, 147

Lewontin, Richard, 692, 696–8; see also Gould, Stephen Jay

Leznai, Anna, 181

Liadov, Anatol, 130

Libby, Willard F., 563

Lichtenstein, Roy, 511

Liebermann, Max, 300, 302

Liebknecht, Karl, 163

Lifar, Serge, 409

Lilienthal, Otto, 84

Limits to Growth see Club of Rome

Linde, Andrei, 741–2

Linton, Ralph, 494

Lipchitz, Jacques, 354

Lippmann, Walter, 704

Lipset, Seymour Martin, 447

Lissitzky, Eliezer, 164–5

Little Rock, Arkansas, 459

Liushits, Benedikt, 324

Lloyd George, David, 174, 177, 218, 383

Locke, Alain, 215, 216

Lodge, Sir Oliver, 157

Loew, Marcus, 87

Löffler, Friedrich, 20

Lombroso, Cesare, 45, 48, 148

London see individual institutions

London, Fritz, 267–8, 373

London, Jack, 453

London School of Economics, 292

Long, Breckinridge, 354

Loos, Adolf, 34–5, 192, 223

Loos, Anita, 266

Lorenz, Konrad, 309–10, 606

Lorre, Peter, 357

Los Alamos, New Mexico, 398–9

Lovejoy, Arthur: The Great Chain of Being, 77

Lovelock, James, 693

Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, 265

Lowell, Robert, 538

Lowentha Robert, 649

Luce, Henry, 211

‘Lucy’ (hominid skeleton), 612

Ludendorff, General Erich, 171

Lueger, Karl, 12, 43, 45

Lukács, George, 181–3, 234–5, 376; History and Class Consciousness, 234 Luks, George, 86

Lumière, Auguste and Louis, 24, 87

Lunacharsky, Anatoli, 37, 165–7

Lunts, Daniel, 541

Luo jialun, 179

Luther, Martin, 296

Luxembourg, Rosa, 163

Lu Xun (Zhou Shuren or Chou Shujen), 178

Lyell, Sir Charles, 41

Lynch, Dan, 737, 739

Lynd, Robert and Helen: Middletown, 212–15, 424, 439, 453

Lyotard, Jean-François, 681; The Postmodern Condition, 667–8, 671, 673

Lysenko, Trofim, 319–21, 390, 473–6, 488, 540–1

Maar, Dora, 336, 411

Macbeth Gall, New York, 85

MacCarthy, Desmond, 277

McCarthy, Senator Joseph, 434–5, 452

McCosh, James, 726

McCusick, Victor, 700

Macdonald, Dwight, 439

McDougall, William, 242

McGinn, Colin, 701

Mach, Ernst, 32, 36–7, 94

Machu Picchu, 120–1, 248

Maclnnes, Colin, 459, 462–3, 672?

Maclntyre, Alasdair: Whose Justice? Which Rationality?, 678–9

Mclntyre, Dr John, 49

McKay, Claude, 216

Mackay, Ellin, 218

Macke, August, 144

Mackenzie, Compton, 286

McKie, Robin, 615

McKim, Mead and White (New York

construction company), 86

MacLean, Guy, 728

McLuhan, Marshall, 331, 546–7, 592

MacNeice, Louis, 332

Maddox, John: What Remains to Be Discovered, 701, 756–7

Madge, Charles, 386

Maeterlinck, Maurice, 24

Magee, Bryan: Confessions of a Philosopher, 767–8

Magritte, René, 205

Mahfouz, Naguib, 713

Mahler, Gustav, 37, 54, 56–71, 158

Mahler-Werfel, Alma, 354, 356

Mailer, Norman, 531, 537–8, 592, 600; An American Dream, 537–8; Armies of the Night, 537–8

Maillol, Aristide, 59

Malevich, Kasimir, 164–6

Malinowski, Bronislaw, 142, 279, 307

Malkin, Joseph, 356

Mallarmé, Stephane, 23, 128

Mallowan, Sir Max, 337

Malraux, André, 61, 334–6, 354, 413; L’Espoir, 335

Malthus, Thomas R., 242

Mamet, David: American Buffalo, Glengarry Glenn Ross, 717 Manchester Guardian: on Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, 50

Manco Inca, 118–21

Mandelbrot, Benoit, 747

Mandelstam, Nadezhda, 324

Mandelstam, Osip, 317, 322–4

Manet, Edouard, 127, 162

Manguin, Henri, 60

Manhattan Project, 397, 399, 506

Mann, Heinrich, 229, 354, 357

Mann, Katia (née Pringsheim), 135

Mann, Lynda, 682–3

Mann, Thomas, 64, 135, 142, 173, 228, 232, 353, 356, 503, 758; Death in Venice, 135–7, 171–2; The Magic Mountain, 228–9, 234

Mannheim, Karl, 181–2, 305, 381–2, 387, 439, 441; Diagnosis of Our Time, 376–8

Mansfield, Katherine, 99, 104

Mantoux, Etienne, 176

Mao Zedong, 180, 539

Mapangubwe, 557

Mapplethorpe, Robert, 663

Marc, Franz, 55, 64, 144, 172, 301

March, Harold, 137

Marconi, Guglielmo, 210

Marcuse, Herbert, 39, 225, 308, 502–3, 505, 596, 604, 644, 730; Eros and Civilisation, 503; An Essay on Liberation, 545–6; One-Dimensional Man, 503, 537, 584

Margulis, Lynn, 685

Marie von Thum und Taxis-Hohenlohe, Princess, 227

Maritain, Jacques, 334, 353

Marquesas Islands, 494

Marquet, Albert, 60

Márquez Gabriel García, 706, 770; One Hundred Years of Solitude, 707–9

Marsden, Ernest, 92

Marshall, Thurgood, 525

Martin, John, 359

Marx, Karl: admires Darwin, 474; and alienation, 599; Bertrand Russell’s interest in, 100; and deconstruction, 632; failed connection with Freud, 753; forecasts collapse of capitalism, 224–5; and Freud, 502–3, 632; Gellner attacks, 665; on immiseration, 596; Popper attacks, 380; and Russian science, 318; Schumpeter opposes, 377–8; and Social Darwinism, 42

Masaryk, Jan, 353, 412

Masaryk, Tomás, 30

Maser, Werner, 242–3

Maslow, Abraham, 664; The Psychology of Science, 596–7

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 74, 497

Massine, Léonide, 130, 203

Masson, André, 204, 354

Masson, Jeffrey: Against Therapy, 663–4

Masters, William Howell, 426–7, 429; Human Sexual Inadequacy (with

Virginia Johnson), 529; Human Sexual Response (with Virginia Johnson), 427

Mathematical Review, 351–2

Mathieu, René, 414

Matisse, Henri, 60, 62, 144, 353

Matisse, Pierre, 350

Maugham, W. Somerset, 278

Mauriac, François, 334

Maurras, Charles, 409

Maxwell, James Clerk, 20–2, 29, 210, 256, 743

May, Frederick, 191

May, Rollo, 664

Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 167, 322, 325

Mayer, Maria, 507

Mayerhold, Vsevelod, 324

Mayr, Ernst, 372–3; The Growth of Biological Thought, 19; Systematics and the Origin of Species, 371

Mead, Margaret, 118, 142, 277–81, 423, 431–2, 462, 577, 665–6; Coming of Age in Samoa, 278–9, 665

Medawar, Sir Peter, 759

Medvedev, Roy, 540–1

Medvedev, Zhores, 540–1

Meidner, Ludwig, 302, 350

Meitner, Lise, 392, 395–6

Menchu, Rigoberta, 731

Mencken, H., 279

Mendel, Pater Gregor, 18–20, 36, 113–14, 320

Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovich, 258

Mengele, Josef, 310

Menninger, Karl, 423

Meredith, James, 524

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 408, 410–12, 421, 626

Merriam, Charles, 282

Messiaen, Oliver, 413–14, 623

Meyer, Carl, 222

Meynert, Theodor, 30

Michurin, I. V., 474

Microsoft Corporation, 605

Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 223–4, 304–5, 622

Milhaud, Darius, 356

Mill, John Stuart, 99, 548

Miller, Arthur, 640; Death of a Salesman, 437

Miller, Henry, 531

Miller, Herbert, 283

Miller, L. S., 684

Millett, Kate: Sexual Politics, 531

Mills, C. Wright, 447, 449, 454, 459, 595–6; The Power Elite and other tides, 439–41

Minotaur, 17

Mintz, Leo, 457

Miró, Joan, 204

Mitchell, Juliet: Women’s Estate, 530–1

Modersohn-Becker, Paula, 227

Modigliani, Amedeo, 294, 354, 718

Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo, 304–5, 354

Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 482; non-aggression pact with Ribbentrop (1939), 320, 413

Moltke, Helmut von, 241

Mondrian, Piet, 129, 355

Monet, Claude, 64

Monod, Jacques, 616–18

Montagnier, Luc, 660

Montagu, Ashley, 390, 423

Montaillou, 560

Montand, Yves, 627

Monteux, Pierre, 131

Montgomery, Alabama, 458, 524

Montherlant, Henri de, 422

Montignac, France, 368–9

Moog, Robert, 624

Moore, G. E., 99–100, 174

Moreau, Jeanne, 639

Morgan, T. H., 112, 113–17, 121, 267, 318–20, 346, 372

Morgan, William Jason, 554

Morozov, Georgy, 541

Morozov, Ivan, 164

Morrell, Lady Ottoline, 175, 201, 291, 297

Morris, Desmond, 616

Morris, Earl, 253

Morris, Simon Conway: The Crucible of Creation, 697

Morris, William, 223

Morrison, Blake, 465

Morrison, Toni: Beloved and other tides, 705

Morrow, William, 279

Morton, Jelly Roll, 216

Moscow, 165

Mosley, Sir Oswald, 367

Mosse, George L., 240–1, 240–1

Motherwell, Robert, 355, 510

Mount Wilson, California, 265, 267

Moynihan, Daniel P., 534, 704

Moynihan, Patrick see Glazer, Nathan

Mr. Hulot’s Holiday (film), 414, 637

Muggeridge, Malcolm, 294

Muhammad Adh-Dhib, 574

Müller, Karl Otfried, 728

Mumford, Lewis, 521; The Culture of Cities, 289; Technics and Civilisation, 288

Munch, Eduard, 35

Muncie, Indiana, 212

Munich: character, 172; Degenerate Art exhibition in, 312–13; secession in, 59, 64

Munro, Neil, 49

Murray, Charles: Losing Ground, 653–4, 767; see also Herrnstein, Richard J.

Murray, George, 103

Murrow, Edward R., 352

Murry, John Middleton, 297

Museum of Modern Art, New York, 331

Musil, Robert, 37, 183, 236; The Man without Qualities, 236–7 Mussolini, Benito, 273 Myrdal, Gunnar: An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy, 390–1, 423, 458, 644, 654–5

Nabis, Les (group), 59

Nabokov, Vladimir: Lolita, 429–30

Nachtsheim, Hans, 309–10

Nagasaki, 387, 401, 729

Nagel, Thomas, 701; Mortal Questions, 673; The View from Nowhere, 673–4

Naipaul, Sir Vidia S., 711; A House for Mr Biswas and other tides, 712; travel books, 762–3

Nambu, Yoichiro, 745

Narayan, R. K., 709

Narborough, Leicestershire, 682–3

Nash, Ogden, 218

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 567, 737

National Air and Space Museum, Washington, 729

National Institutes of Health, Washington, DC, 657

National Organization of Women, 431, 524

Needham, Joseph, 577

Negro peoples: appearance in Africa, 556–7; see also US minorities, racial neighborhood effect (education), 519

Neruda, Pablo, 334, 706

Neue Freie Presse (Vienna), 44–5

Neugebauer, Otto, 352

Neumann, Franz, 223, 225, 360

Neumann, Heinz, 413

Neumann, Johann (or John) von, 102, 363, 507

Neumann, Sigmund, 223

Neurath, Otto, 180, 235–6

Nevinson, C. R. W, 154

New Republic (periodical), 388

New School for Social Research, New York, 354

Newton, Sir Isaac, 21–2, 99, 602, 743; Principia Mathematica, 99

New Vienna Daily, 57

New York: art movement in, 85–6; buildings, 80, 82, 86, 331

New York Native (journal), 658

New York Times, 96–7, 665

New York World’s Fair (1939), 327

New Yorker (periodical), 211, 217–18, 504–5, 520, 582

New Zealand, universities, 73

Nicholson, Virginia, 348

Niebuhr, Helmut Rheinhaid, 80

Nietzsche, Friedrich: Conrad follows, 48; death, 65; and fascism, 234; French discover, 408; Hofmannsthal and, 30; influence, 39–40, 55, 90, 135; logical-positivist reaction against, 235; Nordau reads, 43; Picasso influenced by, 61; relations with Rilke, 227; Spengler influenced by, 171

Nijinska, Romola, 358

Nijinsky, Vaslav, 130–1

Nixon, Richard M., 568, 644–5

Nolde, Emil, 163, 222, 301, 312–13; Years of Struggle, 301

Noll, Richard, 760

Nordau, Max, 43–4, 48, 172

Northcliffe, Alfred Harmsworth, Viscount, 339

Nozick, Robert, 548–9, 644, 673; Anarchy, State, and Utopia, 550

Nureyev, Rudolf, 627, 663

Nussbaum, Martha: Cultivating Humanity, 732

O’Brien, Conor Cruise, 721

Oh! Calcutta! (stage musical), 529

Ohain, Hans von, 269–70

O’Hanlon, Redmond: Joseph Conrad and Charles Darwin, 49

O’Hara, Frank, 512

O’Hara, John, 218

Okigbo, Christopher, 713

Okri, Ben, 713

Okunev, Ivan Vasilievich, 315–16

Oldenburg, Claes, 511

Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, 485–7, 607, 688

Oliphant, Mark, 256, 366, 392–3, 396

Oliver, George, 103

Olivier, Laurence, 640

Olympic Games: 1904, St Louis, 112; 1936, Berlin, 329 & n

O’Neill, Ella, 345

O’Neill, Eugene, 216–17, 345–7, 717–18

Only One Earth (report), 583

Ophüls, Max, 637

Oppenheimer, Frank, 401

Oppenheimer, Robert, 401, 507

Opportunity (magazine), 282

Orbison, Roy, 457

Orpen, Sir William, 173–4

Ortega y Gasset, José, 331, 447, 599, 767; Revolt of the Masses, 291–2

Orwell, George (Eric Blair), 186, 285–8, 334, 337, 346, 464, 466, 472, 768; Animal Farm, 386–7, 413, 472; Down and Out in Paris and London, 286; Nineteen Eighty-Four, 472–3, 481; The Road to Wigan Pier, 287

Osborn, Henry Fairchild, 206

Osborne, John: Look Back in Anger, 463, 466, 470

Otis Brothers (elevator manufacturers), 81n

Oud, J. P., 224

Ovington, Mary, 108–9, 111

Owen, Wilfred, 145, 154–6

Owens, Jesse, 329

Ozenfant, Amédée, 355

Pach, Walter, 127

Pacific-Antarctic Ridge, 553

Packard, Vance, 445–6

Pallot, James, 639

Pangaea, 122

Panofsky, Erwin, 223, 305–6, 355, 360

Pappenheim, Bertha (‘Anna O’), 13, 55

Pargellis, Andrew, 749

Paris: cafes in, 411–12; Dada in, 163–4; intellectual and cultural life in (‘Left Bank’), 411–20; Picasso in, 23–5; rebuilt by Haussman, 52; Universal Exhibition (1900), 24; universities in, 627; see also Pompidou Centre

Park, Robert E., 216, 281–2, 390

Parker, Dorothy, 217

Parkes, Andrew, 97

Parks, Rosa, 458, 524

Parsons, Talcott, 629

Passchendaele, battle of (Great War), 146

Pasternak, Boris, 322–4

Pater, Walter, 5

Paterson, Annabel: Shakespeare and the Popular Voice, 717

Paul VI, Pope, 580

Pauli, Wolfgang, 258–9

Pauling, Linus, 266–8, 343–4, 374, 477–80, 615n

Pauling, Peter, 480

Pavlov, Ivan, 318

Paz, Octavio, 706, 763

Peano, Giuseppe, 101

Pearl Harbor, 354, 371, 397

Pechstein, Max, 301

Peebles, P.J. E., 569–70

Peierls, Rudolf, 392–3, 396

Peirce, Charles Sanders, 75–6

Penguin Books, 337–40

Penrose, Roger, 271, 701–2, 740

Penthouse (periodical), 529

Penzias, Arno, 569–70

Perelman, S. J., 218

Perkins, Anthony, 490–1, 663

Perkins, David, 196

Perls, Fritz, 664

Peru, 118–20

Perutz, Max, 267, 481

Pestalozzi, Johann, 78

Peter, Paul and Mary, 523

Pettigrew, Thomas, 534

Pevsner, Anton, 164

Piaf, Edith, 414

Piaget, Jean, 500, 629, 631, 634

Piano, Renzo, 621–2

Picabia, Francis: Pensées sans langage, 164

Picasso, Conchita, 24

Picasso, Pablo: Apollinaire and, 129; artistic career, 58–63; collaborates with Satie on Parade, 203, 257; designs sets for Diaghilev, 130, 199; Gide and, 201; influence on Rilke, 227; James Joyce evokes, 193; in Paris, 23–5, 59, 411; refuses to emigrate to USA, 353; studies Munch, 35; withdraws money from Paris bank (1914), 144; Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 58–9, 61–4, 131; Guernica, 332, 335–7

Pickford, Mary (née Gladys Smith), 88–9

Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, 350, 355, 510

Pigou, Arthur, 383

Pincus, Gregory, 428–9

Pinker, Steven, 692, 695

Pinter, Harold, 418

Pirandello, Luigi, 191, 201, 412; Henry IV, 186, 191–2, 195; Six Characters in Search of an Author, 191 Pirsig, Robert: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, 597–8

Piscator, Erwin, 229, 231, 354

Pistor, Baroness Fanny, 33

Pitchfork, Colin, 683

Pitman, Walter III, 553

Pius X, Pope and St: Editae (encyclical), 68; Pascendi Dominici Gregus (encyclical), 67–8

Pius XII, Pope: Humani Generis (encyclical), 575–6

Pizarro, Gonzalo, 118

Planck, Karl, 145

Planck, Max: on conservatism of scientists, 489; criticises Mach, 37; discussed at St Louis World Fair, 112; family background and values, 5, 20, 757; German education, 74; on light behaving as particle, 260; and quantum physics, 21–3, 29, 36, 93, 95, 134, 258; Schlick studies under, 235; Schrödinger succeeds, 373; son killed in war, 145

Plato, 380

Playboy (periodical), 529

Playfair, Sir Nigel, 231

Ploetz, Alfred, 242

Plumb, J. H., 220

Podhoretz, Norman: Making It, 600

Poincaré, Jules-Henri, 94, 112, 132

Polanyi, Karl, 447, 471

Polanyi, Michael, 183, 471–2, 488, 596; Science, Faith and Society, 471

Polkinghorne, John: Beyond Science, 767

Pollock, Friedrich, 225

Pollock, Jackson, 355, 510, 624

Pommer, Erich, 222

Pompidou Centre, Paris, 621–3, 681

Pompidou, Georges, 621

Popes see John XXIII; Pius X; Pius XII

Popova, Lydia, 164

Popper, Karl, 183, 235, 386–7, 441, 767–8; The Logic of Scientific Discovery, 488; The Open Society and Its Enemies, 379–81

Porter, Cole, 342–3

Porter, Edwin, 87

Porter, Fairfield, 512

Porter, Roy: The Greatest Benefit to Mankind, 665–6

Post, George, 80

Postman, Neil, 770–1

Pötsch, Leopold, 158

Pound, Ezra, 188–90, 334

Prague, 238

Preminger, Otto, 599

Presley, Elvis, 457

Pribram, Karl, 27

Priestley, J. B., 338

Priestley, Joseph, 489

Princeton University, 75; Institute for

Advanced Studies, 303

Prinzhorn, Hans, 295

Prokofiev, Sergei, 130, 513

Proust, Marcel, 28, 137, 199; A la recherche du temps perdu, 137–8, 186, 199–200, 417

Psycho (film), 490–1

Puccini, Giacomo, 54; La Bohème, 24

Putnam, Hilary, 676–7, 701

Quatre Cents Coups, Les (film), 638

Queneau, Raymond, 412, 626

Quine, Willard van Orman, 644, 677, 732

Quinn, John, 126, 128, 190

Qumran, 574

Rabelais, François, 558

Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 356

Radice, Lisanne, 293

Radiocarbon (journal), 563

Rahv, Philip, 439, 459

Rainer, Yvonne, 515

Ramsay, Frank, 160

Randall, John, 366

Rank, Otto, 15

Rao, Raja, 706, 709

Rapaport, David, 306

Ras Shamra, 251–2

Rathenau, Walther, 302

Ratzel, Friedrich, 42

Rauschenberg, Robert, 511–14

Ravel, Maurice, 130–1

Rawls, John, 673; A Theory of Justice, 548–50, 620, 644, 650

Ray, Man, 86, 356

Ray, Satyajit, 712

Raynal, Maurice, 336

Read, Herbert, 334, 336

Reader’s Digest (periodical), 211, 217

Reagan, Ronald, 648–9

Reconstructing Individualism (essays), 730

Red Guards (China), 539–40

Reed, John, 86

Rees, Martin, 743

Rees, Rawlings, 151

Reich, Charles: The Greening of America, 583–6

Reich, Wilhelm, 223, 274, 354

Reichenbach, Hans, 306

Reik, Theodor, 505

Reinhardt, Max, 54, 353

Reith, John (later Baron), 219

Renfrew, Colin: Archaeology and Language, 691–2; Before Civilisation, 562–4

Renoir, Jean, 357, 637

Resnais, Alain, 639

Reston, James, 704

Rewald, John, 127

Rexroth, Kenneth, 455

Rhodes, Richard, 134, 262, 395

Richard, Jules, 271

Richards, I. A., 338, 465

Richardson, R. G. D., 352

Richardson, Tony, 463, 663

Richet, Charles, 113, 157

Richter, Hans, 161

Riefenstahl, Leni, 328, 329

Riesman, David, 592, 731; The Lonely Crowd, 432–6, 438–9, 442, 447, 449, 452, 454, 457, 470, 595, 599, 650

Rift Valley, East Africa, 555

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 186, 227–9, 233, 241, 244, 331; Duino Elegies, 227

Rimbaud, Arthur, 128

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai

Andreyevich, 130, 164

Rivers, Larry, 512

Rivers, W. H., 155

Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 627, 639; Les Gommes, 413

Robeson, Paul, 215

Roche, Hélène, 613

Rock, Dr John, 428–9

Rockefeller Foundation, 352

Rockefeller, John, 119

Rodchenko, Alexander, 165–8

Rogers, Carl, 664

Rogers, Guy, 729

Rogers, Richard, 621–2

Rohmer, Eric, 636

Rolland, Romain, 161

Rollo, Charles, 423

Romero, Carlos, 118–19

Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 49, 91

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 353

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 306–7, 326–7, 342, 383, 386, 396, 400, 646; death, 401

Roosevelt, Theodore, 79, 110–11

Rorty, Richard, 735, 770; Objectivity, Relativism, and Truth, 670–3; Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, 669–71, 676, 679

Rose, Hajo, 350

Rose, Steven, 692, 696

Rosen, Dr John, 663

Rosenberg, Alfred, 172, 295, 301, 313, 409; Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts, 295–8, 315

Rosenberg, Harold, 511, 721n

Rosenberg, Isaac, 145, 154–5

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 482

Rosenfeld, Isaac, 511

Rosenquist, James, 511

Ross, Harold, 217–18

Rostow, W. W.: The Stages of Economic Growth, 443–5

Roszak, Theodore: The Making of a Counter Culture, 595–8, 601, 605 Roth, Philip: Portnoy’s Complaint, 529, 584, 600

Rothé, Jean Pierre, 554

Rothko, Mark, 510

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 245

Routledge, George, 376, 378

Rowntree, Seebohm, 384–5

Roy, Claude, 336

Royal Commission on Population (1944; Great Britain), 428

Royal Court Theatre, London, 463

Royal Society, London, 261, 472

Royer, Clemence August, 42

Rubens, Heinrich, 22–3

Rubinstein, Artur, 356–7

Runyon, Damon, 409

Rushdie, Salman, 706, 715; Midnight’s Children, 710; The Satanic Verses, 710–12

Ruskin, John, 39, 332

Russell, Alys (née Pearsall Smith), 101; Religion and Science, 291

Russell, Bertrand: and 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle, 24; Aldous Huxley meets, 297; as ‘analytic’ philosopher, 32, 75; background and character, 99, 107; debates with John Dewey, 77; and World War I, 144–5; influence on Eliot, 189; and Keynes, 174–5; on logic of music, 58; and proliferation of mathematics, 352; Quine on, 677; status, 65, 98; Wittgenstein and, 99, 159–60; Principia Mathematica (with A. N. Whitehead), 101–2, 270–1; Principles of Mathematics, 100, 158

Russia (and USSR): cinema in, 329–30; Communism in, 293–4, 754; development of atomic weapons in, 400–1, 507–8; in World War I, 145; Great Terror in, 320–1, 323–4; Gulag in, 315–16, 542–4; psychiatric abuse in, 540–1; science in, 473–6, 481–4; Socialist Realism in, 322–3; Soviet

Russia (and USSR)—cont’d control of arts and sciences in, 316–25; space rockets and travel, 482–5, 566–8; Stalinist repression, 412–13; universities, 73, 317; and world spread of communism, 517

Rutherford, Ernest (later Baron), 90–3, 98, 107, 112, 133–4, 142, 183, 256–7, 261–3, 392–4

Ryazanov, Nikolai, 234

Ryle, Gilbert, 236

Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 33

Sachs, Hanns, 11, 505

Sacks, Oliver, 760; The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, 642

Sacy, Silvestre de, 714

Sagan, Françoise: Bonjour Tristesse, 429

Said, Edward, 51, 714–15, 762; Orientalism, 714

Saint Louis, Missouri: Wainwright Building, 81–2; World’s Fair (1903), 112

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 334

Saint-Saëns, Camille, 131

Sakharov, Andrei, 541

Salam, Abdus, 743

Salinger, J. D.: The Catcher in the Rye, 584

Salmon, André, 129

Samoa, 278–9, 665

Samuelson, Paul, 648–9, 704

Sandberg, Wilhelm, 622

Sanger, Fred, 615

Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, 748

Santayana, George, 110, 324

Sarajevo, 144

Sarnoff, David, 210

Saroyan, William, 409

Sarrau te, Nathalie, 416

Sarris, Greg, 721

Sartre, Jean-Paul: as ‘continental’ philosopher, 32; education and background, 286, 407–9; effect on religious thinkers, 575; existentialist philosophy, 233, 407–10, 421, 627, 638, 770; ‘famille’, 412, 421; Lévi-Strauss attacks, 630; and Marcuse’s negation, 503; Nietzsche influences, 39; political beliefs, 410–13, 416; Rorty synthesises, 669; and Simone de Beauvoir, 421

Sarzec, Ernest de, 249

Sassoon, Siegfried, 99, 145, 155

Satie, Erik, 23, 157, 203

Saussure, Ferdinand de, 626, 630

Sautuola, Don Marcelino de, 369

Saxl, Fritz, 223

Say, Jean-Baptiste, 341

Schaeffer, Claude, 251

Schaller, George, 611

Schaudinn, Fritz, 104–5

Scherchen, Hermann, 313

Scherman, Harry, 211

Schiele, Egon, 180

Schiller, Friedrich von, 234

Schlemmer, Oskar, 300–2, 351

Schlesinger, Arthur, 721

Schlick, Moritz, 160, 183, 235–6, 270, 379

Schliemann, Heinrich, 15–16, 54

Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl, 294, 351

Schnitzler, Arthur, 28–30, 32, 36, 44, 55, 59, 192, 227–8; Lieutenant Gusti, 38; The Road into the Open, 28

Schoenberg, Arnold: character and appearance, 55–6; in Entartete Musik exhibition, 313; influence of atomic physics and anthropology on, 3; Kandinsky hears, 64; musical innovations, 56–60, 129, 230; Strauss on, 55; Stravinsky and, 142; in USA, 355–7; in Vienna, 37, 192; Das Buch der hängenden Gärten, 57; Erwartung, 58–9, 61; Pierrot lunaire, 58–9; Second

String Quartet, 57–9; Violin Concerto (Opus 36), 356; Von Heute auf Morgen, 232

Schoenberg, Mathilde (née von Zemlinsky), 56–7

Schofield, Paul, 640

Schonberg, Harold, 56, 129

Schönerer, Georg Ritter von, 43, 243

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 39

Schramm, Percy, 223

Schrödinger, Erwin, 260, 267, 362; What is Life?, 373–4

Schuch, Ernst von, 52

Schulte, Cardinal, Archbishop of Cologne, 297

Schultze-Naumburg, Paul: Kunst und Rasse, 294–5, 297

Schumacher, E. F., 376

Schumacher, Fritz: Small Is Beautiful, 585–6

Schumann-Heink, Ernestine, 54–5

Schumpeter, Joseph: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, 376–8

Schuyler, James, 512

Schwartz, Robert, 660

Schwarz, John, 745

Schweitzer, Albert: Quest for the Historical Jesus, 576

Schwitters, Kurt, 162, 193, 302, 350–1, 355; ‘Merz’ paintings, 162

Scopes, John: trial, 207

Scotland: universities, 74

Scott, Carson Pirie, 82

Scott, J. D., 464

Screw (periodical), 529

Scriabin, Aleksandr, 56

Scruton, Roger, 5; Intelligent Person’s Guide to Modem Culture, 767

Seaborg, Glenn, 507

Searle, G. D. & Co., Chicago, 429

Searle, John, 701–2

Seberg, Jean, 639

Segrè, Emilio, 507

Seier, Eduard, 118

Self, Jim, 515

Sembene, Ousmane, 713

Sen, Amartya, 642, 649–50, 655, 762; Poverty and Famines, 651–2

Senghor, Léopold, 460

Serner, Walter, 161

Seurat, Georges, 59

Seveso, Italy, 586

Shakespeare, William: Harold Bloom on, 724; and modern cultural studies, 716–17, 725–6; Peter Brook directs, 640–1

Shankar, Ravi, 712

Sharpy-Shafer, E. A., 103

Shattuck, Roger, 24

Shaw, George Bernard, 340, 383

Shchukin, Sergey, 164–5

Shelter Island, New York, 508

Shentalinsky, Vitali, 316, 322, 323

Shephard, Alan, 567

Sherrington, Sir Charles, 367

Shils, Edward, 376, 390, 447, 721n

Shing-Tung Yau, 744

Shirer, William, 361

Shivarov, Nikolai, 323

Shockley, William, 476–8

Shostakovich, Dmitri, 47, 55?, 475; Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District, 323

Shub-ad, Queen, 250

Sibelius, Jean, 56

Siedlung see Bauhaus

Signoret, Simone, 627

Silicon Valley, California, 478

Sillitoe, Alan, 464

Simenon, Georges, 409

Simmel, Ernst, 151, 505

Simmel, George, 181

Simon, Théodore, 500

Simpson, George Gaylord, 371, 577

Sinclair, Upton, 231

Sinfield, Alan, 716

Sitter, W. de, 183

Sitwell, Sir Osbert, 215

Skinner, Burrhus Fred, 677, 695; Science and Human Behaviour, 494–8, 500; Verbal Behaviour, 496

Slessor, Marshal of the RAF Sir John, 365

Slim, Field Marshal William, Viscount, 365

Slipher, Vesto, 265

Sloan, John, 86

Slodki, Marcel, 161

Smit, Jan, 687

Smith, Adam: The Wealth of Nations, 650

Smith, Charlotte, 88

Smith, J. Russell: North America, 212

Smith, John Maynard, 692, 695

Smith, Roger, 3

Smith, Stevie, 423

Snezhnevsky, Andrei, 541

Snow, Sir Charles P. (later Baron), 5, 133, 256, 471, 489; The Two Cultures, 468–70

Snowden, Frank, 728

Sobell, Morton, 482

Society for Psychical Research, 157

Soddy, Frederick, 91

Solotaroff, Theodore, 511

Solow, Robert, 593?, 648–9

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 39, 541–2; The Gulag Archipelago, 482, 541–4

Sombart, Werner, 171, 244, 768

Somme, battle of the (Great War), 146

Sontag, Susan, 592; ‘Against

Interpretation’, 515; AIDS and its Metaphors, 662; Illness as Metaphor, 636, 661–2

Sony (Japanese company), 477

Sorley, Charles Hamilton, 145

Soupault, Philippe, 163

South Africa: apartheid in, 526

Soyinka, Wole, 461; Myth, Literature and the African World, 713

Spanish Civil War (1936–9), 334–7

Spearman, Charles, 149

Spectator (periodical), 469

Speer, Albert, 329

Spencer, Barbara, 652

Spencer, Herbert, 41–2, 293, 453

Spencer, Stanley, 154, 157

Spender, Stephen, 332–4

Spengler, Oswald, 39, 188, 208, 408, 410, 768; The Decline of the West, 171—3, 294, 310, 381

Spinoza, Baruch de, 99

Spiro, Eugen, 350

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, 714–15

Spock, Benjamin, 538

Stalin, Josef V., 4, 293, 329–30, 386–7, 410, 412–13, 482–3, 761; Five Year

Plan of, 316–18; repression of arts by, 322–4; and science, 473–5

Stanley, Sir Henry Morton, 49–50

Starling, E.H., 102

Steichen, Edward, 80

Stein, Gertrude, 24, 60, 126–7, 142, 165

Stein, Leo, 60–1, 165

Steinbeck, John, 297, 409

Steiner, George, 757

Steiner, Rudolf, 64

Stekel, Wilhelm, 14, 138, 142

Stella, Frank, 511

Sten, Jan, 324

Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle), 422

Stent, Gunther: The Coming of the Golden Age, 755, 758, 766

Stern, W., 148

Stevens, Wallace, 347, 718

Stewart, Ian: Life’s Other Secrets, 748–9, 752

Stieglitz, Alfred, 63, 80, 288

Still, Clyfford, 510–11

Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 623–4

Stoddard, Lothrop, 390

Stonewall raid (New York, 1969), 526

Stoppard, Tom, 718

Storey, David, 464

Strachey, Lytton, 99, 159, 174–5, 297

Strauss, Johann, 12

Strauss, Richard, 30, 37, 56–7, 60, 74; Elektra, 54–5, 59, 61, 759; Salomé, 52–4, 59, 64, 759

Stravinsky, Igor: describes Schoenberg, 56; in Entartete Musik exhibition, 313; influenced by Debussy, 131, 142; music for Diaghilev ballet, 129–31; as

patron of Ciurlionis, 63; rejects

stylistic innovations, 55?; in USA, 356–7; Rénard, 199; Le Sacre du Printemps, 129–32

Stroheim, Erich von, 327

Strominger, Andrew, 744

Stromme, Stein, 744

Stumpf, Carl, 237

Sturm, Der (periodical), 300

Subaltern Studies (journal), 714–15

Sullivan, Mrs Cornelius J., 127

Sullivan, Harry Stack, 275, 277

Sullivan, Louis Henry, 80–1

Sumer, 249–51

Summers, Larry, 652

Sumner, William Graham, 41

Susskind, Leonard, 745

Sutton, Walter, 114

Swanson, Robert, 605, 616

Switzerland see Zurich

Sydney Opera House, 622

Symons, Julian, 472

Syria: university, 73

Szathmáry, Eörs see Smith, John May-nard: The Major Transitions in Evolution

Szilard, Leo, 180, 396, 398

Taft, William Howard, 111

Tafuri, Manfredo, 622

Taieb, Maurice, 612

Taine, Hippolyte, 66

Taine, Kathleen, 338

Tallents, Sir Stephen, 327

Tapiès, Anton, 414

Tarsis, Valery: Ward 7, 540

Tati, Jacques, 414, 514, 637

Tatlin, Vladimir, 164–7

Taueber, Sophie, 161

Taut, Bruno, 224

Tawney, Richard Henry, 186–7, 208, 210, 306, 384, 437; The Acquisitive Society, Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, 187

Taylor, F. B., 122

Taylor, Frederick Winslow: Principles of Scientific Management, 79, 680

Taylor, Gordon Rattray, 616

Teilhard de Chardin, Marie-Joseph-Pierre, 577–8; The Phenomenon of man, 578

Teller, Edward, 180, 396, 507–8

Temple, William, Archbishop of

Canterbury: Christianity and the Social Order, 381–2, 388

Temps modernes, Les (journal), 410–12

Tennant, Admiral Sir William, 365

Tereshkova, Valentina, 566

Terman, Lewis, 149–50

Texas Instruments, 477

Tharp, Twyla, 515

Thatcher, Margaret, 647–50

Thom, René, 748

Thomas, Keith: Religion and the Decline of Magic, 602–5

‘Thomas, Sim’, 413

Thomas, W. I., 282

Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth: On Growth and Form, 749

Thompson, E. P., 465, 467; The Making of the English Working Class, 561–2

Thomson, Sir Joseph John, 21, 49, 93, 144, 183

Thorak, Josef, 312

Thrasher, Frederic: The Gang, 282

Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania, 667

Thurber, James, 218

Thurow, Lester: Zero-Sum Society, 652

Tillich, Paul, 234, 305, 360, 575–6

Time magazine, 211, 217–18, 220

Times Literary Supplement, 202

Timmins, Nicholas, 384

Tinbergen, Nikolaas, 606

Tizard, Sir Henry, 365, 393, 396

Toch, Ernst, 313

Toland, Gregg, 348

Tolkien, J. R. R., 581

Tolstoy, Count Lev Nikolayevich, 234

Tomlinson, Ray, 738

Toomer, Jean, 216

Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 24

Toynbee Hall, London, 186

Trenet, Charles, 409

Trilling, Lionel: Beat generation rejects, 456, 465; defence of liberalism and high culture, 452, 454, 462, 467, 600, 634, 706, 733; on fiction’s aims, 674; on Leavis-Snow two cultures debate, 469–70; on university’s role, 723; The Liberal Imagination, 452, 733

Trotsky, Leon, 86

Truffaut, François, 637, 638

Truman, Harry S., 401, 507; Doctrine, 474

Tschermak, Erich, 18

Tupolev, Andrei, 482

Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich, 234

Turing, Alan, 102, 361–5, 492

Turkana, Lake, Kenya, 688

Turkey: universities, 73, 351

Turnbull, Colin, 642

Turner, Joseph Mallord William, 39

Turner, Ken, 569

Tuskegee Institute, Montgomery, Alabama, 110

Tutankhamen, 246, 248, 574

Tutuola, Amos: The Palm-Wine Drinkard, 460 291 gallery, New York, 63 2001: A Space Odyssey (film), 584

Tzara, Tristan, 161–3

Ugarit see Ras Shamra

United States of America: anti-Communism in, 434 & n; anti-Semitism in, 327, 350, 353, 435, 646; atomic research in, 506–7; black power in, 523–5; census, 655; economic planning in, 388, 390; environmental protection in, 583; European refugees in, 303–6, 350, 353–7, 435, 502; free market in, 646–7; industrial production, 589–90; New Deal in, 326, 341, 383; oil imports, 590; popular culture in, 704; poverty in, 520–1; space rockets and travel, 566–8; and teaching of literary canon, 723–5; universities in, 73–5, 78, 281, 722–3, 730–32; in World War 11, 397; see also individual places and institutions

University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), 356

Updike, John: Rabbit and other tides, 718–19

Ur (or Chaldea), 249–50

Urey, H. C., 684

Uruk, 249

Ussher, James, Archbishop of Armagh, 124

Utah, University of, 738

Utzon, Jörn, 621–2

Vafa, Cumrun, 744

Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 246–7

Van Allen, James, 484

Vanderbilt, Mrs Cornelius, 215

van Doren, Carl, 216

Van Gogh, Vincent, 58, 127

Van Vechten, Carl: Nigger Heaven, 216–17

Vargas Llosa, Mario: The Green House and other tides, 706–7

Varmus, Harold and Robert Weinberg: Genes and the Biology of Cancer, 661

Vassiliev, Sergei and Grigori, 330

Vatican: condemns modernism, 68; Holy Office, 66; prohibited books, 297; see also individual popes

Vatican Ecumenical Council, Second (Vatican II), 579–80

Vauxcelles, Louis, 60, 62

Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich, 311, 319—21, 323

Veblen, Oswald, 352

Veblen, Thorsten, 41–2

Vemork, Norway, 400

Veneziano, Gabriele, 744–5

Venus (novel), 104

Versailles, Treaty of (1919), 173–8, 273

Vertov, Dziga, 168

Vienna: aesthetics in, 29; anti-Semitism in, 94, 192, 243; child psychology in, 499; Circle, 37, 75, 235–6, 270, 306, 379; coffee houses in, 27; consequences of 1919 peace in, 180; Freud in, 12, 14; Grienstiedl Cafe, 28, 34, 56; Jung Wien group in, 28; Karl Kraus in, 192–3; preeminence in ideas, 26–8, 30–3, 36–7, 56; Ringstrasse, 26, 34–5; Secession artists, Jugendstil 35; Therapeutic nihilism in, 27

Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, 15

Vietnam: US war in, 533, 536, 538, 585

Vilcabamba (Inca city), 118–19, 121

Vincennes, University of (Paris), 627

Vinci, Leonardo da, 252

Vkhutemas school, Moscow, 165

Vlaminck, Maurice de, 60, 409

Vollard, Ambroise, 62

Vries, Hugo de, 17–18, 36, 112–14, 318

Vuillard, Edouard, 59

Vulpian, Daniel, 103

Waddington, C. H.: The Scientific Attitude, 378

Wagner, Cosima, 53

Wagner, Otto, 34–5

Wagner, Richard, 56, 61, 128, 171; Tannhäuser, 45

Wagner-Jauregg, Julius von, 151–2

Wain, John, 464

Waiden, Herwarth, 300

Walker, A’Lelia, 215

Walker, Alice: The Color Purple, 705

Walker, Kenneth, 147

Wall Street crash (1929), 273, 326, 340, 646

Wallace, De Witt, 211

Waller, Fats, 216

Walling, William, 108–9, 111

Walpole, Sir Robert, 231

Walter, Bruno, 158, 357

Walters, Barbara, 599

Warburg, Aby, 223, 305

Warburg Institute of Art, 223, 226, 305

Ward, Barbara, 583

Ward, Lester, 41

Warhol, Andy, 331, 510–12, 514

Warner, Sam, 87

Washington, Booker T., 109–11, 458

Washington University Medical School, St Louis, Missouri, 426

Wassermann, August, 105

Watson, James Dewey, 375, 478–81, 700

Watson, John B., 112

Watts, Harry, 328

Weatherall, Sir David, 666

Weatherall, Miles, 660

Webb, Beatrice, 188, 292–4, 383

Webb, Sidney, 187, 292–4, 306, 383; Soviet Communism (with Beatrice

Webb), 292

Webb, W. L., 544

Weber, Max, 45–8, 56, 74, 112, 173, 188, 236, 432, 440, 593; The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, 46–7

Webern, Anton von, 37, 56, 230, 313, 623

Webster, H. C., 262

Wedekind, Frank, 16, 64, 231

Wegener, Alfred, 122–3, 553

Weidenreich, Franz, 371

Weill, Kurt, 222, 231–2, 313

Weimar Republic, 173, 221–4, 226, 228, 231, 244

Weinberg, Robert, 661

Weinberg, Steven, 743; The First Three Minutes, 570–1

Weininger, Otto, 12, 32–3, 35, 59, 194, 199

Weinstock, Dr Harry, 493

Weiss, Peter: Marat/Sade, 640–1

Weizmann, Chaim, 307

Welles, Orson, 348–9

Wells, H. G., I, 48, 340, 383; War of the Worlds, 348

Wen Chung-pei, 577

Werfel, Franz, 161, 354, 357

Weschler, Lawrence, 357

Wesker, Arnold, 464

Wharton, Edith: The Age of Innocence, 209

Wheeler, John, 572

Whistler, James McNeill, 24, 35

White, E. B., 218

White, Harry Dexter, 389

White, Michael, 96

White, Tim, 613–14

Whitehead, Alfred North, 24, 58, 98, 100–2, 185, 271, 451; Principia Mathematica (with Bertrand Russell), Whitman, Walt, 726

Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt, 127

Whittle, Frank, 268–70

Whole Earth Catalogue, 595

Whyte, W. H.: Organisation Man, 438–40, 457, 584

Wickramasinghe, Chandra, 762

Wiene, Robert, 222

Wigan, 287

Wigner, Eugene, 180, 396, 507

Wilde, Oscar, 24, 39, 43; Salomé, 53

Wilder, Burt, 108

Wilder, Thornton, 409

Wilkins, A. F., 366

Wilkins, Maurice, 375, 478–81

Williams, Raymond, 235, 331, 465–8, 632, 634–5, 715–16; Culture and Society, 466

Williams, Robley, 749

Williamson, Henry, 581

Wilson, Allan, 689–90

Wilson, Edmund, 137

Wilson, Edward O., 616–18, 620, 651, 692–3, 698, 731; Consilience, 771; Sociobiology, 618

Wilson, Harold, 384

Wilson, Robert, 569–70

Wilson, Woodrow, 112, 174, 177

Winckelmann, Johann, 54–5

Winston, Brian, 739

Winter, Jay, 6; Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning, 157

Wirth, Louis: The Ghetto, 282

Wisconsin Plan, The, 383

Wissler, Clark, 212

Witten, Edward, 744–5

Wittgenstein, Ludwig: analytical philosophy, 32, 75; attends Königsberg conference, 270; and Beckett, 418; and Bertrand Russell, 99, 158–60; Dworkin cites, 644; family and career, 158–9; in World

War I, 145, 157–9, 172, 183; ideas, 160–1; and Keynes, 174; and Lacan, 626; reads Spengler, 173; Rorty on, 669–70; and therapeutic nihilism, 12; Turing meets, 363; and Vienna Circle, 37; Philosophical Investigations, 492–6; Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 145, 157, 159–60, 164, 192, 236, 492

Wittgenstein, Margarete, 158

Wolfe, Tom, 598–9, 601, 620; The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby, 584

Wolff, Christian, 74

Wollheim, Gert, 350

Woltmann, Ludwig, 240

Woodstock music festival (1969), 537

Woolf, Leonard, 174, 293

Woolf, Virginia, 189, 201, 210, 276, 293, 759; Jacob’s Room, 186, 193, 195, 201–2, 276; A Room of One’s Own, 276–7

Woolley, Sir Leonard, 249–50, 340

World Bank, 389

World Health Organization (WHO), 498–9

Woytinsky, W. S., 389–90

Wright, Richard, 458–9

Wright, Robert, 758–60; The Moral Animal, 751

Wright, Wilbur and Orville, 83–5

Wundt, Wilhelm, 139, 149

Yagoda, Genrikh, 321

Yale University, 75

Yan (or Yen) Fu, 178

Yao Wenyuan, 538–9

Yeats, William Butler, 23, 156, 194–7; omits Owen from Oxford Book of Modern Verse, 156

Yerkes, Robert, 149–50, 206

Yezhov, N. I., 324

Yom Kippur War (1973), 589

Young, Andrew, 525

Young, Michael: The Rise of the Meritocracy, 448–9, 698

Yung Wing, 70

Zabel, William, 446

Zadkine, Ossip, 355

Zehme, Albertine, 58–9

Zemlinsky, Alexander von, 56

Zentralblatt für Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete, 352

Zervos, Christian, 336

Zhdanov, Andrei, 320, 412, 474

Zhou Enlai, 540

Zhoukoud, Adolf, 311, 313

Ziegler, Adolf, 312

Zimbabwe, 556–7

Zimbalist, Efrem, 356

Znaniecki, Florian, 282

Zola, Emile, 24, 43, 209, 245, 327

Zuckmayer, Carl, 231

Zukor, Adolph, 87

Zurich, 161, 229

Zweig, George, 569

Zweig, Stefan, 28, 44, 228, 307, 353
