1. J. B. Bury, The Idea of Progress, London: Macmillan, 1920.
2. Ibid., pages 98ff.
3. Ibid., pages 291ff.
4. Ibid., pages 177ff.
5. Ibid., page 192.
6. Ibid., pages 335ff.
7. Ibid., page 278.
8. Ibid., page 299.
9. Ibid., page 334.
10. See also ibid., pages 78ff. Ernest Gellner, in Plough, Sword and Book: The Structure of Human History, Op. cit., argues that progress is essentially an economic, capitalist, idea. See page 140.
11. Howard Carter and A. C. Mace, The Tomb of Tut*Ankh*Amen, London: Cassell, 1923, volume 1, page 78.
12. C. W. Ceram, Gods, Graves and Scholars, London: Victor Gollancz, 1951, page 183.
13. Carter and Mace, Op. cit., page 87.
14. Ceram, Op. cit., page 184.
15. Carter and Mace, Op. cit., page 96.
16. Ceram, Op. cit., page 186.
17. See photographs in Carter and Mace, Op. cit., at page 132.
18. Ceram, Op. cit., page 188; Carter and Mace, Op. cit., pages 151ff.
19. See Carter and Mace, Op. cit., page 178, for a list of those present.
20. Ceram, Op. cit., page 193.
21. Ibid., page 195.
22. See Carter and Mace, Op. cit., Appendix, pages 189ff, for a list.
23. Ceram, Op. cit., page 198.
24. Ibid., page 199.
25. Ibid., pages 199–200.
26. C. Leonard Woolley, The Sumerians, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1929, page 6.
27. Ibid., page 27.
28. Ceram, Op. cit., page 309; Woolley, Op. cit., page 43.
29. Ceram, Op. cit., page 311.
30. Woolley, Op. cit., page 31.
31. Ceram, Op. cit., pages 311–312.
32. Woolley, Op. cit., pages 30–32.
33. Leonard Woolley, Excavations at Ur, London: Ernest Benn, 1954, page 251.
34. Ceram, Op. cit., page 315.
35. Ibid., page 316.
36. Woolley, Excavations at Ur, Op. cit., page 91.
37. Ceram, Op. cit., page 316.
38. Woolley, Excavations at Ur, Op. cit., page 37. See Woolley, The Sumerians, Op. cit., page 36, for photographs of early arches.
39. Ceram, Op. cit., page 312.
40. Frederic Kenyon, The Bible and Archaeology, London: George Harrap, 1940, page 155.
41. Ibid., page 156.
42. Ibid., page 158.
43. Frederic Kenyon, Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts, London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1958, page 30.
44. Kenyon, The Bible and Archaeology, Op. cit., pages 160–161.
45. C. W. Ceram, The First Americans, Op. cit., page 126.
46. Ibid.
47. A. E. Douglass, Climatic Cycles and Tree Growth, volumes I–III, Washington D.C., Carnegie Institution, 1936, pages 2 and 116–122.
48. Ibid., pages 105–106.
49. Ceram, The First Americans, Op. cit., page 128.
50. See Douglass, Op. cit., page 125 for a discussion about the dearth of sunspots at times in the past.
51. Herbert Butterfield, The Whig Interpretation of History, London: G. Bell, 1931.
52. Ibid., pages 37 and 47.
53. Ibid., pages 27ff.
54. Ibid., page 96.
55. Ibid., page 107.
56. Ibid., page 111.
57. Ibid., page 123.