inhuman alliance produces a frightful result. Besides, our convicts are solemnly convicted; but a few months' abode in Russia suffices to convince us that there are no laws there.

There were three exiles, and they were all innocent in my eyes ; for, under a despotism, the only criminal is the man who goes unpunished. These three convicts were escorted by six cossacks on horseback. The head of my carriage was closed, and the nearer Ave approached the group, the more narrowly did the courier strive to observe the expression of my countenance. I was greatly struck with the efforts he made to persuade me that they were only simple malefactors, and that there was no political convict among them. I preserved a gloomy silence: the pains that he took to reply to my thoughts appeared to me very significative.

Frightful sagacity of the subjects of despotism! all are spies, even as amateurs, and without compensation.

The last stages of the road to Nijni are long and difficult, owing to the sand-beds, which get deeper and deeper*, until the carriages become almost buried in them. They conceal immense, movable blocks of wood and stone, very dangerous to the carriages and horses. This part of the road is bordered by forests, in which, at every half league, are encampments of cossacks, destined to protect the journeying of the merchants who resort to the fair. Such a precaution reminds me of the middle ages.

My wheel is repaired, so that I hope to reach Nijni before evening.

* A chaussée is being made from Moscow to Nijni, which will be soon completed.

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