ative. " I know that you are a curious observer," she continued.

" Yes Madame," I answered, " it is curiosity which brings me to Russia; and this time, at least, I do not regret having yielded to a passion for travel."

" You really think so ? " she replied with a gracefulness of manner that was very charming.

" It appears to me that there are such wonderful objects in this country, that to believe them requires that we should see them with the eyes."

" I shoiüd wish you to see much and to view favourably."

" This wish of your majesty's is an encouragement."

Cí If you think well of us, you will say so, but it will be useless; you will not be believed: we are ill understood, and people will not understand us better."

These words in the mouth of the Empress struck me, on account of the pre-occupation of idea which they discovered. It seemed to me also that she meant to manifest a kind of benevolence towards me, which was expressed with a politeness and a simplicity that are rarely seen.

The Empress, the moment she speaks, inspires confidence as well as respect. Through the reserve which the language and usages of court render compulsory, it is easy to see that she has a heart. This misfortune imparts to her an indefinable charm. She is more than an empress, she is a woman.

She appeared to be suffering from extreme fatigue. The thinness of her person is quite shocking. The agitation of the life she leads is consuming her, and

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