the Emperor of Russia flattering himself with treating as a victory, a battle lost by his army within four days' journey of his capital: he has distorted a military scene which he professes to reproduce with scrupulous exactitude. The following is the lie which he has given to history in the eyes of all Europe.

AVhen they came to the moment in which the French, who had been dreadfully galled by the Russian artillery, charged and carried the batteries that decimated them with the daring that is so well known, the Emperor Nicholas, instead of suffering, as both his justice and dignity demanded, that the celebrated manoeuvre should be executed, became the flatterer of the lowest of his people, and caused the corps which represented the division of our army to which we owed the defeat of the Russians and the capture of Moscow, to fall back a distance of three leagues, Imagine my gratitude to God for having given me grace to refuse being present at this lying pantomime !

The military comedy is followed by an order of the day, which will be considered outrageous in Europe, if it be published there in the shape that it is here. According to this singular expose of the ideas of an individual — not the events of a campaign — " It was voluntarily that the Russians retired beyond Moscow, which proves that they did not lose the battle of Borodino; (why then did they decline continuing it?) and the bones of their presumptuous enemies," adds the order of the day, "scattered from the holy city to Niemen, attest the triumph of the defenders of the country."

Without waiting for the solemn entry of the em-
