officers, the two first only are Russians; the three next to them are conciliated Poles; several of the others are Germans; there are even the Khans of the Kirguises, who bring me their sons to educate among my cadets. There is one of them," he said, pointing with his finger to a little Chinese monkey, in a whimsical costume of velvet all bedizened with gold.

" Two hundred thousand children are brought up and instructed at my cost with this child."

■` Sire, every thing is done on a large scale in this country — every thing is colossal."

" Too colossal for one man."

" What man has ever stood in nearer relation to his people ? "

" You speak of Peter the Great ?"

" No, sire."

" I hope that you will not be content with merely seeing Petersburg. What is your plan of route in visiting my country ? "

" Sire, I wish to leave immediately after the fete of PeterhoíF."

" Togo?"

í¢ To Moscow and Nijna."

" Good: but you will be there too soon : you will leave Moscow before my arrival, and I should have been glad to see you thei`e."

" This observation of your majesty's will cause me to change my plan."

" So much the better ; we will show you the new works that we are making at the Kremlin. My object is to render the architecture of these old edifices better adapted to the uses now made of them. The palace was inconveniently small for me. You
