"We admire, through their writings, several of the persons whom you see habitually, especially Madame Gay, and her daughter, Madame de Girardin."

" These ladies are very intellectual: I have the good fortune to be their friend."

" You possess in them friends of a superior character."

Nothing is so rare as to think ourselves obliged to feel modesty for others; it was however a sentiment which I, in a slight degree, experienced at this moment. It will be said, that of all modesty this costs the least in its manifestation. However much it may be ridiculed, it is not the less true, that I felt I should have wanted delicacy, had I endeavoured to excite for my friends an admiration, by which my own vanity might have profited. At Paris I should have said all that I thought; at Petersburg I was afraid of seeming to magnify myself, under the pretence of doing justice to others. The Grand Duchess persisted, saying, " We take great pleasure in reading the works of Madame Gay. What do you think of thorn ? "

" My opinion is, madame, that we may find in them a description of the society of former days written by one who understands it."

" Why does not Madame de Girardin continue to write ? "

" Madame de Girardin is a poetess, madame, and in a writer of poetry silence is the indication of labour."

" I hope that this is the cause of her silence : for, with her observing mind and poetical talent, it would 31 5
