create nobles, it can raise up relatives for those who are without any; with us, despotism is more powerful than nature; the emperor is not only the representative of God, he is himself the creative power; a power indeed greater than that of Deity, for it only extends its action to the future, whereas the emperor alters and amends the past: the law has no retroactive effect, the caprice of a despot has.

'cThe personage whom Peter wished to associate with the new brother of the empress was the highest noble in Moscow, and after the Czar, the greatest individual in the empire, his name was Prince Romodanowski. Peter notified him through liis first minister that he was to attend the ceremony in order to walk by the emperor's side — an honour which he would share with the brother of the empress."

" ' Very well,' replied the prince; ' but on which side of the Czar am I expeeted to place myself?'

" e My dear prince,' replied the courtier, i how can you ask sueh a question? Of course the brother-in-law of his majesty will take the right'

" e I shall not attend, then,' responded the haughty boyard.

" This answer reported to the Czar provoked a. second message.

"fYou shall attend!' was the mandate of the tyrant ; e you shall either attend, or I will hang you !'

" i Say to the Czar,' replied the indomitable Muscovite, ' that I entreat him first to execute the same sentence on my only son: this child is only fifteen years old; it is possible that, after having seen me perish, fear will make him consent to walk on the left hand of his sovereign ; but I can depend on myself, both f б
