the costume corresponded with this luxury. The boots, of fine Torjeck leather, embroidered with flowers in gold and silver thread, glittered at the feet of the rustic, who seemed dazzled with his own splendour, and was so perfumed that I was almost overcome with the essences exhaled from his hair, beard, and clothes, at the distance of several feet from the carriage.

After having drunk with the whole tavern, the young noble leant towards the man thus decked out, and presented him with a foaming cup, saying," drink." The poor, gilded mugie was, in his inexperience, at a loss how to act. ei Drink, I say," continued his master (this was translated to me), " drink, you rascal; it is not to you I give this champagne, but to уоггг horses, who will not have strength to gallop the whole jom*ney if the coachman is not drunk :" upon which the whole assembly laughed and loudly cheered. The coachman was soon persuaded : he was already in the third bumper when his master gave the signal to start, which he did not do till he had renewed to me, with a charming politeness, his regret at having been unable to persuade me to accompany him on this party of pleasure. He appeared so distingue, that, while he spoke, I forgot the place and scene, and fancied myself at Versailles in the time of Louis XIV.

At last he departed for the chateau, where he is to spend three days. These gentlemen call such an excursion a summer /ггг?г^.

We may easily guess how they relieve themselves in the country from the ennui of town life—by continuing the same thing ; by pursuing the same career ; by reviving the scenes of Moscow, except, at least,
