If Germany forgets hers, the fault is mainly owing to Prussia, the ancient focus of that inconsistent philosophy, by courtesy denominated a religion.*

France is now represented in Prussia by a minister who unites all the requisites of an enlightened modern diplomatist. jNTo mysterious airs, no affected reserve, no unnecessary concealment, betray the opinion that he might entertain of his own importance. One scarcely recollects the post he occupies, until reminded of it by the ability with which its duties are fulfilled. Appreciating with the happiest tact the wants and the tendencies of modern society, he tranquilly proceeds in advance of the future, without, however, disdaining the lessons of the past; in a word, he is one of the small remaining number of those men of former times who are now become so necessary to the present.

Originally from the same province as myself, he has related to me details connected with the lùstory of my family, with which I was unacquainted, and from which I derived much gratification. This I admit without hesitation, for that pious admiration with whieh we contemplate the heroism of our fathers ought not to be identified with pride.

I knew that there existed in the archives of the French legation at Berlin, letters and diplomatic notes possessing a high interest for the world in general, and for myself in particular: they are my father's.

* These remarks on protestantism may be less offensive to the English reader, when he recollects that it is German protestantism by which they are more immediately suggested. — Trans-
